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Publication of 粒子物理前沿问题 in Recent Years
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Publication of 粒子物理前沿问题 in Recent Years

Publication of 粒子物理前沿问题 in Recent Years

  1. "Comprehensive Four-Quark Interpretation of Ds(2317), Ds(2457), and Ds(2632)", Yu-Qi Chen, Xue-Qian Li, Phys Rev Lett 93, 232001, (2004)

  2. "Generalized Counting Rule For Hard Exclusive Processes", X. D. Ji, J. P. Ma, F. Yuan, Phys Rev Lett 90, 241601, (2003)

  3. "Can the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard model with Light Bottom Squark and Light Gluino Survive Z-peak Constraints ?", J. Cao, Z. Xiong, Jin Min Yang, Phys Rev Lett 88, 111802, (2002)


  5. "Possible Interpretations of DsJ(2632) If It Really Exists", Yuan-Ben Dai, Chun Liu, Y.-R. Liu, Shi-Lin Zhu, JHEP 0411, 043, (2004)

  6. "A Parameter-free Statistical Measurement of Halos with Power Spectrum", Ping He, Long-Long Feng, Li-Zhi Fang, Astrophys J 628, 14, (2005)

  7. "The Velocity Field of Baryonic Gas in the Universe", Bryan Kim, Ping He, Jesus Pando, Long-Long Feng, Li-Zhi Fang, Astrophys J 625, 599, (2005)

  8. "Distributions of Baryon Fraction on Large Scales in the Universe", Ping He, Long-Long Feng, Li-Zhi Fang, Astrophys J 623, 601, (2005)

  9. "Exploring Final State Hadron Structure and Su(3) Flavor Symmetry Breaking Effects In D→PP and D→PV Decays", Y. L. Wu, M. Zhong, Y. F. Zhou, Euro Phys J C 42, 391, (2005)

  10. "Probing New Physics from Top-charm Associated Productions at Linear Colliders", Junjie Cao, Guoli Liu, JinMin Yang, Euro Phys J C 41, 381, (2005)

  11. "Exclusive Semileptonic Rare Decays B\to K(K^*) l^+ l^-$ in a SUSY SO(10) GUT", Wen-Jun Li, Yuan-Ben Dai, Chao-Shang Huang, Euro Phys J C 40, 565, (2005)

  12. "Dynamically Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Masses of Lightest Nonet Scalar Mesons as Composite Higgs Bosons", Yuan-Ben Dai, Yue-Liang Wu, Euro Phys J C 39, S1, (2005)

  13. "Hidden local symmetry and chiral effective theory for vector and axial-vector mesons", Yong-Liang Ma, Qing Wang, Yue-Liang Wu, Euro Phys J C 39, 201, (2005)

  14. "Dynamically Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Masses of Lightest Nonet Scalar Mesons as Composite Higgs Bosons", Y. B. Dai, Y. L. Wu, Euro Phys J C DOI, 10.1140/epjcd/s2004-01-001-3, (2004)

  15. "Can a non-symmetric metric mimic NCQFT in e^+e^- --> \gamma\gamma", N. Kersting, Y. L. Ma, Euro Phys J C 38, 379, (2004)

  16. "Super WIMP Dark Matter Scenario in Light of WMAP", Fei Wang, Jin Min Yang, Euro Phys J C 38, 129, (2004)

  17. "Uncertaities in Estimating Hadronic Production of the Meson Bc and Comparisons Between TEVATRON and LHC", Chao-Hsi Chang (Zhao-Xi Zhang), Xing-Gang Wu, Euro Phys J C 38, 267, (2004)

  18. "On Unique Predictions for Single Spin Azimuthal Asymmetry", J. P. Ma, Q. Wang, Euro Phys J C 37, 293, (2004)

  19. "CP Asymmetry in B → Phi K(S) in A General Two Higgs Doublet Model with Fourth Generation Quarks", Y. L. Wu, Y. F. Zhou, Euro Phys J C 36, 89, (2004)

  20. "Classification and Asymptotic Scaling of Hadrons' Light Cone Wave Function Amplitudes", Xiang-dong Ji, Jian-Ping Ma, Feng Yuan, Euro Phys J C 33, 75, (2004)

  21. "Global Analysis of D→PV Decays and SU(3) Flavor Symmetry Breaking Effects", M. Zhong, Y. L. Wu, Euro Phys J C 32, s02, s191-s204, (DOI) 10.1140/epjcd/s2004-01-001-3, (2004)

  22. "Isospin Relation and SU(3) Breaking Effects of Strong Phases in Charmless B Decays", Y. L. Wu, Y. F Zhou, Euro Phys J C 32, s02, s179-s189, DOI:?10.1140/epjcd/s2003-01-0014-4, (2004)

  23. "Lepton flavor violating Z-decays in supersymmetric see-saw model", Junjie Cao, Zhaohua Xiong, Jin Min Yang, Euro Phys J C 32, 245, (2004)

  24. "Global Analysis of D --> PV Decays and SU(3) Falvor Symmetry Breaking Effecs", M. Zhong, Y. L. Wu, W. Y. Wang, Euro Phys J C Direct (DOI), 10.1140 epjcd/s2003-03-017-1, (2003)

  25. "Lepton Flavor Changing Scalar Interactions and Muon G-2", Yu-Feng Zhou, Yue-Liang Wu, Euro Phys J C 27, 577, (2003)

  26. "Lma Solution to the Solar Neutrino Problem and a Phenomenological Charged Lepton Mass Matrix", Xiao-Jun Bi, Yuan-Ben Dai, Euro Phys J C 27, 43, (2003)

  27. "Rare Decay B→ Xs l+ l- in a CP Spontaneously Broken two Higgs Doublet model", Chao-Shang Huang, Liao Wei, Qi-Shu Yan, Shou-Hua Zhu, Euro Phys J C 25, 103, (2002)

  28. "Exclusive Decay Of 1-- Quarkonia And B/C Meson Into A Lepton Pair Combined With Two Pions", J. P. Ma, J. S. Xu, Euro Phys J C 24, 261, (2002)

  29. "CP Violation and Extra Dimensions", Chao-Shang Huang, Tianjun Li, Liao Wei, Qi-Shu Yan, Euro Phys J C 23, 195, (2002)

  30. "Matrix Elements of Four-quark Operators Relevant to Lifetime Difference ΔΓB_s from QCD Sum Rules", C.-S. Huang, Ailin Zhang, Shi-Lin Zhu, Euro Phys J C 21, 313, (2001)

  31. "R_b and R_l in MSSM Without R-Parity", Jin Min Yang, Euro Phys J C 20, 553, (2001)

  32. "Scales, Couplings Revisited and Low Energy Phenomenology in M-Theory On 1/Z_2", Chao-Shang Huang, Tianjun Li, Wei Liao, Qi-Shu Yan, Shou-Hua Zhu, Euro Phys J C 18, 393, (2000)

  33. "Searching Rephase Invariant CP- and CPT-VIOLATING Observables in Meson Decays", K. C. Chou, W. F. Palmer, E. A. Paschos, Yueliang Wu, Euro Phys J C 16, 279, (2000)

  34. "Alternative Mass-shell Renormalization for a Minimal Supersymmetric Higgs Sector", Lianyou Shan, Euro Phys J C 12, 113, (2000)

  35. "CP Violation in Semi-Leptonic Decays of the Top Quark Within MSSM", X. -J. Bi, Yuanben Dai, Euro Phys J C 12, 125, (2000)

  36. "The Supersymmetric Extension of the Standard Model with Bilinear R-Parity Violation", Chao-His Chang, Tai-Fu Feng, Euro Phys J C 12, 137, (2000)

  37. "Couplings of Pions with Excited Heavy Mesons from Light Cone QCD Sum Rules in the Leading Order of HQET", Yuanben Dai, Shilin Zhu, Euro Phys J C 6, 307, (1999)

  38. "The Chern-Simons Term Induced at High Temperature and the Quantization of its Coefficient", Wanyun Zhao, Euro Phys J C 11, 733, (1999)

  39. "Twist 3 Contributions to the Pion Electromagnetic form Factor", Fuguang Cao, Yuanben Dai, Chaoshang Huang, Euro Phys J C 11, 501, (1999)

  40. "Nearly Degenerate Mass and Bimaximal Mixing of Neutrinos in the SU(3) Gauge Model of Leptons", Yueliang Wu, Euro Phys J C 10, 491, (1999)

  41. "Twist3 Contribution to the Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor", F. G. CAO, Y. B. DAI, C. S. HUANG, Euro Phys J C 6, xxx, (1998)

  42. "Late-decaying Q-ball with BBN Lifetime", Fei Wang, Jin Min Yang, Nucl Phys B 709, 409, (2005)

  43. "Neutrino Bilarge Mixing and Flavor Physics in the Filpped SU(5) Model", Chao-Shang Huang, Tianjun Li, Wei Liao, Nucl Phys B 673, 331, (2003)

  44. "Bs→μ+μ- and B→Xsμ+μ- in MSSM", Chao-Shang Huang, Xiao-Hong Wu, Nucl Phys B 657, 304, (2003)

  45. "Three-quark Light-cone Amplitudes of the Proton and Quark-Orbital-Motion Dependent Observables", X. D. Ji, J. P. Ma, F. Yuan, Nucl Phys B 652, 383, (2003)

  46. "SUSY-Induced Top Quark FCNC Processes at Linear Colliders", Junjie Cao, Zhaohua Xiong, Jinmin Yang, Nucl Phys B 651, 013004, (2003)

  47. "Soft Gluon Approach For Diffractive Photoproduction Of J/Psi", J. P. Ma, Jia-Sheng Xu, Nucl Phys B 640, 283, (2002)

  48. "B-meson Dileptonic Decays Enhanced by Supersymmetry with Large tanβ", Z. Xiong, Jin Min Yang, Nucl Phys B 628, 193, (2002)

  49. "Calculating The I = 2 Pion Scattering Length Using Tadpole Improved Clover Wilson Action On Coarse Anisotropic Lattices", Chuan Liu, Jun-Hua Zhang, Ying Chen, J. P. Ma, Nucl Phys B 624, 360, (2002)

  50. "Non-Universal Gaugino Masses in Supersymmetric SO(10)", Nidal Chamoun, Chao-Shang Huang, Chun Liu, Xiao-Hong Wu, Nucl Phys B 624, 81, (2002)

  51. "Revisiting Spin Alignment Of Heavy Mesons In Its Inclusive Production", J. P. Ma, Nucl Phys B 622, 416, (2002)

  52. "A QCD-Analysis for Radiative Decays of γ into f2(1270)", J. P. Ma, Nucl Phys B 605, 625, (2001)

  53. "Exclusive decay of J/ψ into a Lepton Pair Combined with Light Hadrons", J. P. Ma, Nucl Phys B 602, 572, (2001)

  54. "Rare Decays B→X_sτ^+τ^- and B_s→τ^+τ^- Gamma in Technicolor with Scalars", Z. Xiong, Jin Min Yang, Nucl Phys B 602, 289, (2001)

  55. "Scenario of Light Sterile Neutrinos with A Heavy Tau-Neutrino in A Supersymmetric Model", Liu Chun, J. Song, Nucl Phys B 598, 3, (2001)

  56. "MeV Tau Neutrino in a Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Model", C. Liu, H. S. Song, Nucl Phys B 545, 183, (1999)

  57. "The Proposition of Color-Octet Production of J/\psi, and the Signature to the Electroweak Background in e+e- Collision", Chao-Hsi CHANG, Cong-Feng QIAO, Jian-Xiong WANG, Nucl Phys B 66, 529, (1998)

  58. "The QCD Corrections to Scalar Top Pair Production in Photon-Photon Collisions", Chao-Hsi CHANG, Liang HAN, Nucl Phys B 515, 15, (1998)

  59. "Charmless Decays B→Pi Pi, Pi K And K K In Broken Su(3) Symmetry", Y. L. Wu, Y. F. Zhou, Phys Rev D 72, 034037, (2005)

  60. "Gravitino dark matter from gluino late decay in split supersymmetry", Fei Wang, Wenyu Wang, jin Min Yang, Phys Rev D 72, 077701, (2005)

  61. "Reexamining B->PiPi,PiK decays in QCD factorization approach", Xinqiang Li, Yadong Yang, Phys Rev D 72, 074007, (2005)

  62. "Consistent Calculation of the B to Pi Transition Form-Factor in the Whole Physical Region", Huang Tao, Xing-Gang Wu, Phys Rev D 71, 034018, (2005)

  63. "Heavy Supersymmetric Particle Effects in Higgs Boson Production Associated with a Bottom Quark Pair at LHC and Tevatron", Guangping Gao, R. J. Oakes, Jin Min Yang, Phys Rev D 71, 095005, (2005)

  64. "Implications of Charmless B Decays with Large Direct CP Violation", Y. L. Wu, Y. F. Zhou, Phys Rev D 71, 021701, (2005)

  65. "Lightest Higgs Boson Mass in Split Supersymmetry with See-saw Mechanism", Junjie Cao, Jin Min Yang, Phys Rev D 71, 111701, (2005)

  66. "Parity, Charge Conjugation and Su(3) Constraints on Threshold Enhancement in J/Psi Decays into Gamma P Anti-P and K P Anti-Lambda", X. G. He, X. Q. Li, J. p. Ma, Phys Rev D 71, 014031, (2005)

  67. "QCD Factorization for Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering at Low Transverse Momentum", X. D. Ji, J. p. Ma, F. Yuan, Phys Rev D 71, 034005, (2005)

  68. "The Color-Octet Contributions to P-Wave B(C) Meson Hadroproduction", Chao-His Chang, Cong-Feng Qiao, Jiang-Xiong Wang, Xing-Gang Wu, Phys Rev D 71, 074012, (2005)

  69. "Collins-Soper Equation for The Energy Evolution of Transverse-Momentum and Spin Dependent Parton Distributions", Ahmad Idilbi, Xiang-Dong Ji, Jian-Ping Ma, Feng Yuan, Phys Rev D 70, 074021, (2004)

  70. "CP Asymmetry in B → Phi K(S) in A SUSY SO(10) Gut", Yuan-Ben Dai, Chao-Shang Huang, Wen-Jun Li, Xiao-Hong Wu, Phys Rev D 70, 116002, (2004)

  71. "DsJ(2632): An Excellent Candidate of Tetraquarks", Y. R. Liu, Shi-Lin Zhu, Y. B. Dai, C. Liu, Phys Rev D 70, 094009, (2004)

  72. "Hadronic Production of the P-wave Excited Bc-states Bc L=1", Chao-Hsi Chang (Zhao-Xi Zhang), Jian-Xiong Wang, Xing-Gang Wu, Phys Rev D 70, 114019, (2004)

  73. "Predictions for E+ E- --> J/Psi Eta? with Light-Cone Wave-Functions", J. P. Ma, Z. G. Si, Phys Rev D 70, 074007, (2004)

  74. "Probing Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor form Like-Sign Top Pair Production at CERN LHC", Junjie Cao, Guoli Liu, Jinmin Yang, Phys Rev D 70, 114035, (2004)

  75. "The FCNC Top-Squark Decay as a Probe of Squark Mixing", T. Han, K. Hikasa, Jin Min Yang, X. Zhang, Phys Rev D 70, 055001, (2004)

  76. "Delta --> N Gamma* Coulomb Quadrupole Amplitude in Pqcd", Ahmad Idilbi, Xiang-Dong Ji, Jian-Ping Ma, Phys Rev D 69, 014006, (2004)

  77. "Renormalization in Reparameterization Invariance", Yu-Qi Chen, Phys Rev D 69, 096001, (2004)

  78. "Understanding the D+sJ (2317) and D+sJ (2460) with Sum Rules In Hqet", Chao-shang Huang, Phys Rev D 68, 114011, (2004)

  79. "A QCD Analysis of Quark Recombination for Leading Particle Effect", C. H. Chang, J. P. Ma, Z. G. Si, Phys Rev D 68, 014018, (2003)

  80. "An inflation model with large variations in the spectral index", Bo Feng, Mingzhe Li, Ren-Jie Zhang, Xinmin Zhang, Phys Rev D 68, 103511, (2003)

  81. "CP violation in $B \to \Phi K_S$ in a model III 2HDM", Chao-Shang Huang, Shou-hua Zhu, Phys Rev D 68, 114020, (2003)

  82. "Higgs-boson Production Associated with a Bottom Quark at Hadron Colliders with SUSY-QCD Corrections", Junjie Cao, Guangping Gao, R.J.Oakes, JinmMin Yang, Phys Rev D 68, 075012, (2003)

  83. "Supersymmetric Effects in Top Quark Decay into Polarized W-boson", Junjie Cao, R. J. Oakes, Fei Wang, Jinmin Yang, Phys Rev D 68, 054019, (2003)

  84. "Understanding the $D^+_{sJ}(2317)$ and $D^+_{sJ}(2460)$ with Sum Rules in HQET", Yuan-Ben Dai, Chao-Shang Huang, Chun Liu, Shi-Lin Zhu, Phys Rev D 68, 114011, (2003)

  85. "Can the mechanism for pi1-->etapi,eta[prime]pi hybrid decays be detected?", Ailin Zhang, T. G. Steele, Phys Rev D 67, 074020, (2003)

  86. "CP Violation in Bd,s→l+l- in the Model III 2HDM", Yuan-Ben Dai, Chao-Shang Huang, Jian-Tao Li, Wen-Jun Li, Phys Rev D 67, 096007, (2003)

  87. "Heavy to Light Meson Exclusive Semileptonic Decays in Effective Field Theory of Heavy Quarks", W. Y. Wang, Y. L. Wu, M. Zhong, Phys Rev D 67, 014024, (2003)

  88. "Measuring CP Violation and Mass Ordering in Joint Long Baseline Experiments with Superbeams", K. Whisnant, Jinmin Yang, B.-L. Young, Phys Rev D 67, 013004, (2003)

  89. "Meson Bc Annihilation to Leptons and Inclusive Light Hadrons", Xing-Gang Wu, Chao-His Chang, Yu-Qi Chen, Zheng-Yun Fang, Phys Rev D 67, 094001, (2003)

  90. "Probing Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor from Top-Charm Associated Production at LHC", Junjie Cao, Zhaohua Xiong, Jinmin Yang, Phys Rev D 67, 071701 (Rapid Communication), (2003)

  91. "SU(3) and Nonet Breaking Effects in KL→γγ Induced by S→d+2gluon to Anomaly", X. -G. He, C. -S. Huang, X. -Q. Li, Phys Rev D 67, 096005, (2003)

  92. "B-bar^0 -->pi^+X in the standard model", X.-G. He, C.-P. Kao, J. P. Ma, S. Pakvasa, Phys Rev D 66, 097501, (2002)

  93. "Damped sin(β-α) of Higgs Couplings and the Lightest Higgs Production at γγ Colliders in MSSM", Chao-Shang Huang, Xiao-Hong Wu, Phys Rev D 66, 075002, (2002)

  94. "Lepton Flavor Violation in the Supersymmetric Grand Unified Supersymmetric Models with a Lopsided Mass Matrix", Xiao-Jun Bi, Yuan-Ben Dai, Phys Rev D 66, 076006, (2002)

  95. "Light-cone HQET Sum Ruler for the B \to \pi Transition with 1/m_Q Corrections", J. G. Koerner, C. Liu, C. T. Yan, Phys Rev D 66, 076007, (2002)

  96. "Loop Effects and Nondecoupling Property of SUSY QCD in gb->tH", G. Gao, G. Lu, Z. Xiong, Jin Min Yang, Phys Rev D 66, 015007, (2002)

  97. "Radiative Decay Of Upsilon Into A Scalar Glueball", X. G. He, H. Y. Jin, J. P. Ma, Phys Rev D 66, 074015, (2002)

  98. "A Phenomenological Study on Lepton Mass Matrix Textures", C. Liu, J. Song, Phys Rev D 65, 057303, (2002)

  99. "Decays of the B_c meson to a P-wave charmonium state chi_c or h_c", Chao-His Chang (Zhao-Xi Zhang), Yu-Qi Chen, Guo-Li Wang, Hong-Shi Zong, Phys Rev D 65, 014017, (2002)

  100. "Heavy Quark Polarizations of e+e- → q \bar{q} h in the General Two Higgs Doublet model", Chao-Shang Huang, Shou-hua Zhu, Phys Rev D 65, 077702, (2002)

  101. "Probing Neutrino Oscillations Jointly in Long and Very long Baseline Experiments", Y. Wang, K. Whisnant, Z. Xiong, Jin Min Yang, B. -L. Young, Phys Rev D 65, 073021, (2002)

  102. "Reexamining Radiative Decays Of 1-- Quarkonium Into Eta Eta Prime And Eta", J. P. Ma, Phys Rev D 65, 097506, (2002)

  103. "Stau LSP and Comparison with H^{\pm} Phenomenology", A. G. Akeroyd, C. Liu, J. Song, Phys Rev D 65, 015008, (2002)

  104. "Constraints on the Mass and Mixing of the Fourth Generation Quark from Direct CP Violation ε'/ε and Rare K Decays", C.-S. Huang, W.-J. Huo, Yue-Liang Wu, Phys Rev D 64, 016009, (2001)

  105. "New Prediction For Direct Cp Violation Epsilon-Prime/Epsilon And Delta I=1/2 Rule", Yue-Liang Wu, Phys Rev D 64, 016001, (2001)

  106. "Subleading Isgur-Wise Form-Factors and O(1/M(Q)) Corrections to the Semileptonic Decays B→ D(1) Lepton Anti-Neutrino and B→ D*(2) Lepton Anti-Neutrino", Ming-qiu Huang, Yuan-ben Dai, Phys Rev D 64, 014034, (2001)

  107. "The CP Violating Phase Gamma from Global Fit of Rare Charmless Hadronic B Decays", Y. L. Wu, Y. F. Zhou, Phys Rev D 64, 034002, (2001)

  108. "The Lifetime of Bc Meson and Some Relevant Problems", Chao-His Chang, Shao-Long Chen, Tai-Fu Feng, Xue-Qian Li, Phys Rev D 64, 014003, (2001)

  109. "B_s→ l^+ l^- in a model II 2HDM and MSSM", Chao-Shang Huang, Wei Liao, Qi-Shu Yan, Shou-Hua Zhu, Phys Rev D 63, 114021, (2001)

  110. "B→Kπ and B→ΦX_s in the Heavy Quark Limit", J. P. Ma, Chung-Yi Wu, Phys Rev D 63, 094004, (2001)

  111. "Lepton Flavor Violation In Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Models", Xiao-Jun Bi, Yuan-Ben Dai, Xiao-Yuan Qi, Phys Rev D 63, 096008, (2001)

  112. "Probing R Violating Top Quark Decays at Hadron Colliders", K.Abraham, K.Whisnant, Jin Min Yang, B.-L. Young, Phys Rev D 63, 034011, (2001)

  113. "The Interplay of Weak and Strong Phases and Direct CP Violation in Charmless B Meson Decays", Y. F. Zhou, Y. L. Wu, J. N. Ng, C. Q. Geng, Phys Rev D 63, 054001, (2001)

  114. "1/mQ Corrections to the Heavy-to-Light-Vector Transitions in the HQET", Chaoshang Huang, Chun Liu, Chitau Yan, Phys Rev D 62, 054019, (2000)

  115. "1/Nc and 1/mQ Expansions for the Excited Heavy Baryon with Light Quarks in the Spin-Flavor Symmetric Representation", J. -P. Lee, Chun Liu, H. S. Song, Phys Rev D 62, 096001, (2000)

  116. "Exclusive Semileptonic Rare Decays B→ K(*) l+l- in Supersymmetric Theories", Qishu Yan, Chaoshang Huang, Liao Wei, Shouhua Zhu, Phys Rev D 62, 094023, (2000)

  117. "Probing Flavor Changing Interactions in Hadron Collisions", Chao-His Chang, Liang Han, Yi Jiang, Wen-Gan Ma, Hong Zhou, Mian-Lai Zhou, Phys Rev D 62, 034012, (2000)

  118. "Relativistic Corrections for Polarized J/PSI Production in B Decay", Jianping Ma, Phys Rev D 62, 054012, (2000)

  119. "Searching for a Top-Squark Pair Sample from Top Counting Experiments at Hadron Colliders", Jinmin Yang, Binglin Young, Phys Rev D 62, 115002, (2000)

  120. "The Electric Dipole Moment and CP Violation in B→Xs l+l- in SUGRA Models with Nonuniversal Gaugino Masses", Chaoshang Huang, Liao Wei, Phys Rev D 62, 016008, (2000)

  121. "Top-Quark Decay into a Light Gluino and Top-Squark", Lianyou Shan, Shou-Hua Zhu, Phys Rev D 62, 014028, (2000)

  122. "Weak Phase Gamma and Strong Phase Delta from CP Averaged B→ PI PI and PI K Decays", Yueliang Wu, Yufeng Zhou, Phys Rev D 62, 036007, (2000)

  123. "∧b→∑c*πlυ in the Heavy Quark, Chiral and Large Nc Limits", J. -P. Lee, Chun Liu, H. S. Song, Phys Rev D 61, 014006, (2000)

  124. "B→Xs τ+τ- in a CP Spontaneously Broken Two Higgs Doublet Model", Chaoshang Huang, Shouhua Zhu, Phys Rev D 61, 015011, (2000)

  125. "Color Singlet Relativistic Correction in J/PSI Photoproduction", C. B. Paranavitane, B. H. J. McKellar, Jianping Ma, Phys Rev D 61, 114502, (2000)

  126. "Enhanced Contribution to Quark and Neutron Electric Dipole Moments with Small Mixing of Right-Handed Currents and CKM CP Violation", Yi Liao, Xiaoyuan Li, Phys Rev D 61, 076002, (2000)

  127. "Four-Quark State in QCD", Ailin Zhang, Phys Rev D 61, 114021, (2000)

  128. "Implications of LEP/SLD Data for New Physics in Zbb Couplings", R. J. Oakes, Jinmin Yang, Binglin Young, Phys Rev D 61, 075007, (2000)

  129. "Large Yukawa Coupling Corrections to Scalar Quark Pair Production in e+e- Annihilation", Xiao-Jun Bi, Yuan-Ben Dai, Xiao-Yuan Qi, Phys Rev D 61, 115004, (2000)

  130. "Mixing and CP Violation in the General Two Higgs Doublet Model", Yueliang Wu, Y. F. Zhou, Phys Rev D 61, 096001, (2000)

  131. "QCD and SUSY QCD Corrections Ti the Three-Body Decay of the Charged Higgs Boson", Xiao-Jun Bi, Yuanben Dai, Xiao-Yuan Qi, Phys Rev D 61, 054002, (2000)

  132. "QCD Sum Rule Analysis of the Subleading Isgur-Wise Form-Factor τ1(υ·υ’) and τ2(υ·υˊ) for B→D1lν and B→D2*lν", Ming-Qiu Huang, Cheng-Zu Li, Yuanben Dai, Phys Rev D 61, 054010, (2000)

  133. "Reanalysis of the Four-Quark Operators Relevant to Λb Lifetime from QCD Sum Rule", Chaoshang Huang, Chun Liu, Shilin Zhu, Phys Rev D 61, 054004, (2000)

  134. "Supersymmetric CP Violation in B→Xs l+l- in Minimal Supergravity Model", Chaoshang Huang, Liao Wei, Phys Rev D 61, 116002, (2000)

  135. "Topcolor-Assisted Supersymmetry", Chun Liu, Phys Rev D 61, 115001, (2000)

  136. "Four Light Neutrinos in the Singular Seesaw Mechanism with Abelian Flavor Symmetry", C. Liu, J. Song, Phys Rev D 60, 036002, (1999)

  137. "Masses and Decay Widths of Heavy Hybrid Mesons", Shilin Zhu, Phys Rev D 60, 014008, (1999)

  138. "Possible Effects of Quantum Mechanics Violation Induced by Certain Quantum Gravity Effects on Neutrino Oscillations", C. H. Chang, W. S. Dai, X. Q. Li, Y. Liu, F. C. Ma, Z. J. Tao, Phys Rev D 60, 033006, (1999)

  139. "Pure Leptonic Decays of the Bc Meson and Their Radiative Corrections", C. H. Chang, C. D. Lu, G. L. Wang, H. S. Zong, Phys Rev D 60, 114013, (1999)

  140. "So(3) Gauge Symmetry and Neutrino-Lepton Flavor Physics", Yueliang Wu, Phys Rev D 60, 073010, (1999)

  141. "Supersymmetricd Higgs Bosons Discovery Potential at Hadron Colliders Through the bg Channel", Chaoshang Huang, Shouhua Zhu, Phys Rev D 60, 075012, (1999)

  142. "SUSY QCD Effect on Top Charm Associated Production at Linear Colliders", Chongsheng Li, Xinmin Zhang, Shouhua Zhu, Phys Rev D 60, 077702, (1999)

  143. "Vanishing Contribulion to Quark Electric Dipole Moment in the 2HD Model with CKM CP Violation", Yi Liao, Xiaoyuan Li, Phys Rev D 60, 073004, (1999)

  144. "The Promising Process to Distinguish Supersymmetric Models with Large tan fl from the Standard Model: B --> Xs\mu^+\mu^-", Chao-Shaug HUANG, Wei LIAO, Qi-Shu YAN, Phys Rev D 59 (Rapid Communications), R011701, (1999)

  145. "Determination of the Scalar Glueball Mass in QCD Sum Rules", Tao Huang, Hongying, Ailin Zhang, Phys Rev D 59, 034026, (1999)

  146. "Excited Heavy Baryon Spectrum in Large Nc Heavy Quark Effective Theory", J. P. Lee, C. Liu, H. S. Song, Phys Rev D 59, 034002, (1999)

  147. "Exclusive Rare Decays of Heavy Baryons to Light Baryons:Λ_b→ΛΥ and Λb→Λl^+l^-", Chaoshang Huang, Huagang Yan, Phys Rev D 59, 114022, (1999)

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