
>> 癌魔尚未征服,同道仍需努力!让我们共同期望人类最终战胜癌症的一天!
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癌症研究历史回顾和热点寻踪- 1(ZZ from DXY)


Galen 认为黑胆汁在组织内的积聚是癌变的根源。

Decartes 等认为癌症是的淋巴系统的病变。之后出现很多学说,最流行的是体液假说(Humoral hypothesis)。



1)刺激假说(The Irritation Hypothesis)


2)那些常常容易受到太阳曝晒的部位:面部和前臂癌症的发生率要远远高于不常被曝晒的部位,这些部位因为常常受到太阳曝晒而产生的慢性炎症,被Unna称为水手的皮肤(sailor’s skin).
4)其他的例子不胜枚举,癌症常常出现在用烟斗抽烟的下唇。阴茎癌常常发生在不进行环切的民族。很多工业相关的癌症,如清扫烟尘煤灰的工人,经常与沥青和石蜡接触的人,与染料和X射线接触但是并没有防护的人员。经常嚼betel nut常常患颊部粘膜癌。























2007-2-8 14:08:44




1829年lobstein和recamier提出癌症起源于成人体内的胚胎残留组织。之后johannes, muller, paget, remak, durante, cohnheim, 和其他学者沿着该想法不对深入研究和搜集证据,使其不断完善。




2) 主支气管(branchial arches),常常在鱼的体内发育的比较完善,在哺乳动物的胚胎某一阶段也出现,自然从其短暂的存在中获益,然而,用其残留的部分构建其他临近的器官,胸腺,副胸腺,甲状腺。这些arches的残留可能持续存在于从口腔到胸腔的任何一个部位,这些部位都可能找到胸腺,副胸腺,甲状腺。









畸胎瘤令病理学家想起畸胎现象。受精卵第一次完全分裂并分离会产生两个完整的单卵双胞胎。如果两个细胞部分粘连,结果将依赖粘连的程度以及每个细胞的发育程度而发生:连体双胞胎(Siamese Twins)、连体怪婴 (double monsters)以及一个正常的胚胎携带一个寄生畸胎(Parasitic monster)。

















1)  简单的畸形。这包括类似肾上腺异位于肾脏,他们与正常相应的组织在形态方面类似,并没有恶变的倾向。

2)  肿瘤样的畸形。这些具有向肿瘤方向演变的趋势,例如痣或者脊索瘤或者神经纤维瘤。他们的生长或者持续,或者生长一段时间,静息一段时间。切除常常会复发。具有恶变的机会而成为肉瘤。

3)  最终必然演变为癌的畸形。一个典型的例子是被Oberling称为meningoencephlic gliosis的疾病。其最终演变为胶质瘤。

4)  开始就是恶性肿瘤的畸形。例如一些中枢神经系统的肿瘤:神经上皮瘤、神经胶质瘤,横纹肌瘤等。他们一般发生于胎儿或者婴儿期。
2007-2-8 14:09:03





1901年Doyen发现的Micrococcus neoformans引起一阵轰动,他认为这种微生物是癌症的原因。事实上其只是一种普通的链球菌。




一些例外是Erwin F Smith发现的植物肿瘤,其确实由微生物感染引起。






然而1911年,Peyton Rous的发现(可说是20世纪最伟大的发现之一)为后来肿瘤的研究埋下了伏笔。
2007-2-8 14:09:22


1911年Peyton Rous第一个发现并证实某种病毒可以引起肿瘤(现在的rous病毒),这个发现后来成为癌基因学说的最原始证据,这个发现似乎表明癌症的表型受少数基因控制。


1:   Vogt PK.  
Peyton Rous: homage and appraisal.
FASEB J. 1996 Nov;10(13):1559-62.
PMID: 8940303 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2:  Rous P.
Landmark article (JAMA 1911;56:198). Transmission of a malignant new growth by means of a cell-free filtrate. By Peyton Rous.
JAMA. 1983 Sep 16;250(11):1445-9.
PMID: 6310170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3  Rous P.  
A transmissible avian neoplasm. (Sarcoma of the common fowl) by PeytonRous, M.D., Experimental Medicine for Sept. 1, 1910, vol. 12,pp.696-705.
J Exp Med. 1979 Oct 1;150(4):738-53.
PMID: 229185 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4) Scientific autographs. IV. Peyton Rous (1879-1970) and his Nobel Prize.
Agents Actions. 1970 Aug;1(4):211-4.
PMID: 4329026 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1915年,日本人Katsusaburo Yamagiwa 和  Koichi Ichikawa 经过1年实验,终于首次用coal tar 提取物在兔子耳朵上诱导出了肿瘤,第一次证明某些化学物质可以致癌,第一次人工制造了癌症,为后来的癌变机理研究打开了大门。

1) Katsusaburo Yamagiwa (1863-1930).
CA Cancer J Clin. 1977 May-Jun;27(3):172-3.
PMID: 406017 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2: Henschen F.
Yamagiwa's tar cancer and its historical significance. From Percival Pott to Katsusaburo Yamagiwa.
Gann. 1968 Dec;59Devil:447-51.
1941年,著名的肿瘤学家Berenblum I提出了化学诱导癌症的两阶段学说:启动-促进学说。该学说为后来的突变和选择学说建立了基础。


1: Berenblum I, Armuth V.
Two independent aspects of tumor promotion.
Biochim Biophys Acta. 1981 Aug 31;651(1):51-63. Review. .
PMID: 7025906 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2: Berenblum I.
Established principles and unresolved problems in carcinogenesis.
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1978 Apr;60(4):723-6. Review. .
PMID: 344897 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3: Berenblum I.
A re-evaluation of the concept of cocarciongenesis.
Prog Exp Tumor Res. 1969;11:21-30. Review.
PMID: 4891849 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

A speculative review; the probable nature of promoting action and its significance in the understanding of the mechanism of carcinogenesis.
Cancer Res. 1954 Aug;14(7):471-7.

5 Stockwell S.
Classics in oncology: Isaac Berenblum, M.D.
CA Cancer J Clin. 1981 Jul-Aug;31(4):239-53.


1)Carrel A.
Landmark article Nov 11, 1911: Rejuvenation of cultures of tissues. By Alexis Carrel.
JAMA. 1983 Aug 26;250Musical Note:1085.
PMID: 6348324 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2: : Najafi H.
Landmark perspective: Dr. Alexis Carrel and tisue culture.
JAMA. 1983 Aug 26;250Musical Note:1086-9.
PMID: 6352980 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3: Rapaport FT.
Alexis Carrel, triumph and tragedy.
Transplant Proc. 1987 Aug;19(4 Suppl 5):3-8.
PMID: 3303567 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
1969年,美国NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE的Robert J. Huebner 和 George J. Todaro提出了癌基因学说,虽然后来癌基因学说在此基础上进行了修改。


Huebner RJ, Todaro GJ.
Oncogenes of RNA tumor viruses as determinants of cancer.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1969 Nov;64(3):1087-94.
1975年美国伯克力大学Bruce Ames发明了用细菌筛选化学致突变物质方法,简单有效,现在被称为为Ames实验,检测了成千上万种化学物质,发现大部分致突变物质是致癌物,虽然致癌物不一定完全是致突变物质,但是似乎为基因突变学说提供了坚实的依据。然而后来Ames宣称人类的癌症90%以上与现代工业污染没有直接关系。


1) McCann J, Ames BN.
Detection of carcinogens as mutagens in the Salmonella/microsome test: assay of 300 chemicals: discussion.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1976 Mar;73(3):950-4. Review.
PMID: 768988 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2) Ames BN.
Identifying environmental chemicals causing mutations and cancer.
Science. 1979 May 11;204(4393):587-93. Review.
PMID: 373122 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Ames BN, Magaw R, Gold LS.
Ranking possible carcinogenic hazards.
Science. 1987 Apr 17;236(4799):271-80.
PMID: 3563506 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4)Ames BN.
What are the major carcinogens in the etiology of human cancer? Environmental pollution, natural carcinogens, and the causes of human cancer: six errors.
Important Adv Oncol. 1989;:237-47. Review.

5)Ames BN, Gold LS, Willett WC.
The causes and prevention of cancer.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1995 Jun 6;92(12):5258-65. Review.
PMID: 7777494 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
第一个病毒癌基因的发现:Duesberg PH是发现者之一。

1) Duesberg PH, Vogt PK.
Differences between the ribonucleic acids of transforming and nontransforming avian tumor viruses.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1970 Dec;67(4):1673-80.

2) Martin GS, Duesberg PH.
The a subunit in the RNA of transforming avian tumor viruses. I. Occurrence in different virus strains. II. Spontaneous loss resulting in nontransforming variants.
Virology. 1972 Feb;47(2):494-7.

3) Lai MM, Duesberg PH, Horst J, Vogt PK.
Avian tumor virus RNA: a comparison of three sarcoma viruses and their transformation-defective derivatives by oligonucleotide fingerprinting and DNA-RNA hybridization.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1973 Aug;70Musical Note:2266-70.

4)Duesberg PH, Kawai S, Wang LH, Vogt PK, Murphy HM, Hanafusa H.
RNA of replication-defective strains of Rous sarcoma viru
第一个细胞癌基因(原癌基因)的发现,为此美国人Varmus HE, Bishop JM获得1989年诺贝尔奖,方法就是博士后法国人Stehelin D用了半年时间制造基因探针,只是杂交了一下正常鸡的组织,发现了病毒的癌基因竟然也存在于正常动物组织之中,由此解开了癌基因理论的序幕。为此法国人 Stehelin D要求他也应当获得诺贝尔奖,并要打官司。Duesberg 认为应当有资格获得诺贝尔奖的还有Hidesabuo Hanafusa 和 Peter Vogt 以及他自己,还有Robert Weinberg.

1)Stehelin D, Varmus HE, Bishop JM, Vogt PK.
DNA related to the transforming geneMoon of avian sarcoma viruses is present in normal avian DNA.
Nature. 1976 Mar 11;260(5547):170-3.
第一个证明细胞癌基因具有致瘤能力的实验,Robert Weinberg实验室开始的。

1) Shih C, Shilo BZ, Goldfarb MP, Dannenberg A, Weinberg RA.
Passage of phenotypes of chemically transformed cells via transfection of DNA and chromatin.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Nov;76(11):5714-8.
PMID: 230490 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2) Shih C, Padhy LC, Murray M, Weinberg RA. Transforming genes of carcinomas and neuroblastomas introduced into mouse fibroblasts.Nature. 1981 Mar 19;290(5803):261-4.

3) Shilo BZ, Weinberg RA. Unique transforming gene in carcinogen-transformed mouse cells. Nature. 1981 Feb 12;289(5798):607-9. PMID: 6258087 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1) Weinberg RA.
Oncogenes of spontaneous and chemically induced tumors.
Adv Cancer Res. 1982;36:149-63. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 6751037 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2) Land H, Parada LF, Weinberg RA.
Cellular oncogenes and multistep carcinogenesis.
Science. 1983 Nov 18;222(4625):771-8. Review.
PMID: 6356358 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3) Friend SH, Dryja TP, Weinberg RA.
Oncogenes and tumor-suppressing genes.
N Engl J Med. 1988 Mar 10;318(10):618-22. Review.

4) Weinberg RA.
Oncogenes, antioncogenes, and the molecular bases of multistep carcinogenesis.
Cancer Res. 1989 Jul 15;49(14):3713-21. Review.

5)Bishop JM.
Cellular oncogenes and retroviruses.
Annu Rev Biochem. 1983;52:301-54. Review. .
PMID: 6351725 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

6)Bishop JM.
The molecular genetics of cancer.
Science. 1987 Jan 16;235(4786):305-11. Review.
PMID: 3541204 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

7)Bishop JM.
Molecular themes in oncogenesis.
Cell. 1991 Jan 25;64(2):235-48. Review. .
PMID: 1988146 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

8) Varmus HE.
The molecular genetics of cellular oncogenes.
Annu Rev Genet. 1984;18:553-612. Review. .
PMID: 6397126 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

9)Varmus HE.
Viruses, genes, and cancer. I. The discovery of cellular oncogenes and their role in neoplasia.
Cancer. 1985 May 15;55(10):2324-8. Review.
PMID: 2985231 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
对于癌基因研究如火如荼,第一个发现病毒癌基因的病毒学家,当时美国科学界的天之骄子Peter H Duesberg非但没有加入这个研究行列,而开始了他自己一生的反潮流科学生涯。他不承认存在细胞癌基因,也不相信肿瘤是这些所谓细胞癌基因作用的结果。当然,他还有一个至今被很多科学家看作不能赦免的罪过,即质疑艾滋病是HIV感染的结果。因此,他几乎成为生命科学界的异类,《科学美国人》称他是当今的哥白尼或者唐吉科德。

1)Duesberg PH.
Retroviral transforming genes in normal cells?
Nature. 1983 Jul 21-27;304(5923):219-26. Review.
PMID: 6346107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Duesberg PH.
Activated proto-onc genes: sufficient or necessary for cancer?
Science. 1985 May 10;228(4700):669-77.

3)Duesberg PH.
Cancer genes: rare recombinants instead of activated oncogenes (a review).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Apr;84Musical Note:2117-24. Review.
PMID: 3550807 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


1) Li R, Yerganian G, Duesberg P, Kraemer A, Willer A, Rausch C, Hehlmann R.
Aneuploidy correlated 100% with chemical transformation of Chinese hamster cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Dec 23;94(26):14506-11.
PMID: 9405643 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Duesberg P, Rasnick D. Aneuploidy, the somatic mutation that makes cancer a species of its own.
Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. 2000 Oct;47(2):81-107. Review.
PMID: 11013390 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Duesberg P, Li R, Fabarius A, Hehlmann R.
Aneuploidy and cancer: from correlation to causation.
Contrib Microbiol. 2006;13:16-44. Review.
PMID: 16627957 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4): Duesberg P, Li R, Fabarius A, Hehlmann R.
The chromosomal basis of cancer.
Cell Oncol. 2005;27(5-6):293-318. Review.
PMID: 16373963 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2007-2-8 14:21:11

癌症研究历史回顾和热点寻踪- 3


1)Hanahan D, Weinberg RA.
The hallmarks of cancer.
Cell. 2000 Jan 7;100(1):57-70. Review. No abstract available.
PMID: 10647931 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Hahn WC, Weinberg RA.
Modelling the molecular circuitry of cancer.
Nat Rev Cancer. 2002 May;2(5):331-41. Review.
PMID: 12044009 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Hahn WC, Weinberg RA.
Rules for making human tumor cells.
N Engl J Med. 2002 Nov 14;347(20):1593-603. Review.
PMID: 12432047 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4)Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW.
Cancer genes and the pathways they control.
Nat Med. 2004 Aug;10Musical Note:789-99. Review.
PMID: 15286780 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
并不是只有Duesberg 一个人反对基因突变学说,还有不同的派别。来自Sonnenschein C和Soto AM.的看法:

1)Sonnenschein C, Soto AM.
Somatic mutation theory of carcinogenesis: why it should be dropped and replaced.
Mol Carcinog. 2000 Dec;29(4):205-11.
PMID: 11170258 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Soto AM, Sonnenschein C.
The somatic mutation theory of cancer: growing problems with the paradigm?
Bioessays. 2004 Oct;26(10):1097-107. Review.
PMID: 15382143 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Soto AM, Sonnenschein C.
Emergentism as a default: cancer as a problem of tissue organization.
J Biosci. 2005 Feb;30(1):103-18. Review.
PMID: 15824446 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
并不是只有Duesberg 一个人反对基因突变学说,还有不同的派别。来自HARRY Rubin的看法:

1)Rubin H.
Is somatic mutation the major mechanism of malignant transformation?
J Natl Cancer Inst. 1980 May;64(5):995-1000.
PMID: 6929024 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Rubin H.
Mutations and oncogenes--cause or effect.
Nature. 1984 Jun 7-13;309(5968):518.
PMID: 6728009 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Rubin H.
Cancer as a dynamic developmental disorder.
Cancer Res. 1985 Jul;45(7):2935-42. Review.
PMID: 3891078 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4)Farber E, Rubin H.
Cellular adaptation in the origin and development of cancer.
Cancer Res. 1991 Jun 1;51(11):2751-61. Review.
PMID: 2032214 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

5)Rubin H.
'Spontaneous' transformation as aberrant epigenesis.
Differentiation. 1993 Jun;53(2):123-37.
PMID: 8359592 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

6)Rubin H.
What keeps cells in tissues behaving normally in the face of myriad mutations?
Bioessays. 2006 May;28(5):515-24. Review.
PMID: 16615084 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
并不是只有Duesberg 一个人反对基因突变学说,还有不同的派别。来自Richmond T Prehn 的看法:

1) Prehn RT.
Cancers beget mutations versus mutations beget cancers.
Cancer Res. 1994 Oct 15;54(20):5296-300.
PMID: 7923156 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2) Prehn RT.
On the nature of cancer and why anticancer vaccines don't work.
Cancer Cell Int. 2005 Aug 1;5(1):25.
PMID: 16060965 [PubMed]

3) Prehn RT.
The role of mutation in the new cancer paradigm.
Cancer Cell Int. 2005 Apr 26;5(1):9.
PMID: 15854226 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
并不是只有Duesberg 一个人反对基因突变学说,还有不同的派别。来自Harris H. 的看法:

1) Harris H.
A long view of fashions in cancer research.
Bioessays. 2005 Aug;27Musical Note:833-8.
PMID: 16015588 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2) Harris H.
Tumour suppression: putting on the brakes.
Nature. 2004 Jan 15;427(6971):201.
PMID: 14724616 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3) Harris H.
The role of differentiation in the suppression of malignancy.
J Cell Sci. 1990 Sep;97 ( Pt 1):5-10. Review.
PMID: 2258391 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Exp Cell Res. 1965 Mar;37:614-36. .
PMID: 14315085 [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE for Pre1966]

2)Hayflick L.
Mortality and immortality at the cellular level. A review.
Biochemistry (Mosc). 1997 Nov;62(11):1180-90. Review.
PMID: 9467840 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
基因突变学说中著名的二次打击学说,是Knudson AG于1971年在研究视网膜母细胞瘤的流行病学和家系遗传规律过程中提出的。


1)Knudson AG Jr.
Mutation and cancer: statistical study of retinoblastoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1971 Apr;68(4):820-3.
PMID: 5279523 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Knudson AG.
Two genetic hits (more or less) to cancer.
Nat Rev Cancer. 2001 Nov;1(2):157-62. Review.
PMID: 11905807 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2007-2-8 14:26:13

癌症研究历史回顾和热点寻踪- 4

肿瘤免疫的概念起源于本世纪初。1909年Ehrlich首先提出,免疫系统不仅负责防御微生物侵犯,而且能从肌体内清除改变了的宿主成分。此后人们认识到癌细胞是改变了的宿主成分。本世纪中期,Foley证实,纯系小鼠诱发的肿瘤能在同系小鼠之间移植,如在肿瘤的生长过程中将移植瘤完全切除,小鼠会对再次接种的肿瘤产生抵抗能力,再次接种的肿瘤或者不再生长,或者长到一定的大小便自行消退。这种抗性有专一性,因为它对再次接种来源于同系动物的另一肿瘤没有抵抗能力。实验说明,肿瘤确能被宿主视为"非己"而产生特异的免疫排斥反应。这使人们相信机体存在着抗肿瘤免疫机制。六十年代经Thomas、 Burnet和Good等人将该观点系统化,提出了免疫监视学说。免疫监视学说的中心思想是:免疫系统具有一个十分完备的监视功能,能精确地分? quot;自己"和"非己"的成分;它不仅能清除外界侵入的各种微生物,排斥同种异体移植物,而且还能消灭机体内突变的细胞,防止肿瘤的生长,保护机体的健康。每当免疫监视功能由于这种或那种原因被削弱时,便为肿瘤的发生提供了有利条件;如果机体不具备免疫监视功能,人类的肿瘤发病率会大大提高。临床也得到了一些支持的证据。但是目前仍然存在争论。

1)Burnet FM.
The concept of immunological surveillance.
Prog Exp Tumor Res. 1970;13:1-27. Review. .
PMID: 4921480 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Burnet FM. Related Articles, Links
Immunological surveillance in neoplasia.
Transplant Rev. 1971;7:3-25.
PMID: 5146537 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


1)Klein G, Klein E.
Surveillance against tumors--is it mainly immunological?
Immunol Lett. 2005 Aug 15;100(1):29-33. Review.
PMID: 16129497 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Zitvogel L, Tesniere A, Kroemer G.
Cancer despite immunosurveillance: immunoselection and immunosubversion.
Nat Rev Immunol. 2006 Oct;6(10):715-27. Epub 2006 Sep 15. Review.
PMID: 16977338 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Smyth MJ, Dunn GP, Schreiber RD.
Cancer immunosurveillance and immunoediting: the roles of immunity in suppressing tumor development and shaping tumor immunogenicity.
Adv Immunol. 2006;90:1-50.
PMID: 16730260 [PubMed - in process]

4)Ichim CV.
Revisiting immunosurveillance and immunostimulation: Implications for cancer immunotherapy.
J Transl Med. 2005 Feb 8;3(1):8.
PMID: 15698481 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

5)Dunn GP, Old LJ, Schreiber RD.
The immunobiology of cancer immunosurveillance and immunoediting.
Immunity. 2004 Aug;21(2):137-48. Review.
PMID: 15308095 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

6) Qin Z, Blankenstein T.
A cancer immunosurveillance controversy.
Nat Immunol. 2004 Jan;5(1):3-4; author reply 4-5. No abstract available.
PMID: 14699396 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

7) Boon T, van Baren N.
Immunosurveillance against cancer and immunotherapy--synergy or antagonism?
N Engl J Med. 2003 Jan 16;348(3):252-4.
PMID: 12529468 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

8: Ochsenbein AF.
Principles of tumor immunosurveillance and implications for immunotherapy.
Cancer Gene Ther. 2002 Dec;9(12):1043-55. Review.
PMID: 12522443 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

9: Dunn GP, Bruce AT, Ikeda H, Old LJ, Schreiber RD.
Cancer immunoediting: from immunosurveillance to tumor escape.
Nat Immunol. 2002 Nov;3(11):991-8. Review.
PMID: 12407406 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

10)Lanier LL.
A renaissance for the tumor immunosurveillance hypothesis.
Nat Med. 2001 Nov;7(11):1178-80.
PMID: 11689875 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
著名的肿瘤免疫学奠基人之一Richmond T. Prehn首先发现肿瘤特异性抗原,在1970年左右提出肿瘤免疫刺激学说,与诺贝尔奖获得者Bernet的免疫监视学说相反。

1)Prehn RT, Lappe MA.
An immunostimulation theory of tumor development.
Transplant Rev. 1971;7:26-54. Review.
PMID: 4947774 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2) Prehn RT.
Immunosurveillance, regeneration and oncogenesis.
Prog Exp Tumor Res. 1971;14:1-24. Review. .
PMID: 4944395 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3)Prehn RT, Prehn LM.
The autoimmune nature of cancer.
Cancer Res. 1987 Feb 15;47(4):927-32. Review.
PMID: 3542202 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4)Prehn RT, Prehn LM.
Immunostimulation of cancer versus immunosurveillance.
Medicina (B Aires). 1996;56 Suppl 1:65-73. Review.
PMID: 9224976 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5) Prehn RT.
Stimulatory effects of immune reactions upon the growths of untransplanted tumors.
Cancer Res. 1994 Feb 15;54(4):908-14. Review.
PMID: 8313380 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6)Prehn RT.
An adaptive immune reaction may be necessary for cancer development.
Theor Biol Med Model. 2006 Feb 3;3(1):6 [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 16457723 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Electronic Biology and Cancer: a New Theory of Cancer

Cancer therapy: a possible new approach.
Science. 1963 Jun 28;140:1391-2. No abstract available.
PMID: 13979937 [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE for Pre1966]

2)Szent-Gyorgyi A.
Bioelectronics. Intermolecular electron transfer may play a major role in biological regulation, defense, and cancer.
Science. 1968 Sep 6;161(845):988-90. .
PMID: 4299558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

3)Szent-Gyorgyi A.
Bioelectronics and cancer.
J Bioenerg. 1973;4Devil:533-62.
PMID: 4771418 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

4)Szent-Gyorgyi A.
The living state and cancer.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1977 Jul;74(7):2844-7.
PMID: 268635 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

著名化学家1931年诺贝尔奖获得者Otto Warburg的癌症理论:无氧代谢理论


On the origin of cancer cells.
Science. 1956 Feb 24;123(3191):309-14. .
PMID: 13298683 [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE for Pre1966]

On respiratory impairment in cancer cells.
Science. 1956 Aug 10;124(3215):269-70.
PMID: 13351639 [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE for Pre1966]

3) Arch Geschwulstforsch. 1983;53(1):1-8.
Warburg's cancer theory revisited: a fundamentally new approach.
Anghileri LJ.

Warburg's cancer theory was based on cell injury at the bioenergetic system level. Posteriorly done research work on cell membrane biology, and on the role of calcium in the multifunctional capabilities of the cell (respiration, protein metabolism, membrane physiology, mitosis, etc.) has been used to corroborate another years ago stated hypothesis on carcinogenesis. The consequently new theory states that a cell injury at the cell membrane level is the event triggering a massive influx of calcium ions, and as the result of which some cells die by toxic death (necrosis) while, in order to survive others must adapt themselves to a changed intracellular ionic environment. This adaptation process leads to a more primitive way of life (neoplasia) where the cells appear to be independent of biological signals, specially those calcium-dependent. The increased intracellular calcium concentration seems also to be the cause of increased cell glycolysis (Warburg's observation), and of the preneoplastic hyperplasia by uncontrolled translational mRNA activity.

4) Schulz TJ, Thierbach R, Voigt A, Drewes G, Mietzner B, Steinberg P, Pfeiffer AF, Ristow M.
Induction of oxidative metabolism by mitochondrial frataxin inhibits cancer growth: Otto Warburg revisited.
J Biol Chem. 2006 Jan 13;281(2):977-81. Epub 2005 Nov 1.
PMID: 16263703 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
第一个发现费城染色体的Nowell PC.及其癌症细胞克隆进化理论。

1)Nowell PC.
The clonal evolution of tumor cell populations.
Science. 1976 Oct 1;194(4260):23-8.
PMID: 959840 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

2)Nowell PC.
Mechanisms of tumor progression.
Cancer Res. 1986 May;46(5):2203-7. Review.
PMID: 3516380 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1. Jaffe LF. Epigenetic theories of cancer initiation [J]. Adv Cancer Res. 2003, 90:209-30.

2. Prehn RT. Cancers beget mutations versus mutations beget cancers [J]. Cancer Res. 1994, 54(20):5296-300.

约150 年前,病理学家Virchow等认为肿瘤来源于发育过程中某些潜伏的胚胎残余组织,这种推测基于对胚胎发育和某些肿瘤例如畸胎瘤的相似性的观察。1961 年Bruce等发现只有1-4%的鼠类淋巴瘤细胞可以在被移植动物的脾脏形成克隆(clones),1973年McCulloch等发现只有不到1%的髓白血病细胞可以在体外形成克隆。1977年Hamburger等发现1000-5000个实体瘤细胞中仅有1个细胞可以在软琼脂中形成细胞克隆。随着这些研究结果不断出现,上世纪70年代Potter和Pierce等分别提出肿瘤是干细胞分化成熟被抑制的结果。直到1997年Dick实验室分离到急性髓白血病干细胞,肿瘤干细胞(tumor stem cells)的研究才逐渐升温,至今研究人员已经分别从慢性髓白血病、胶质瘤和乳腺癌中分离到具有特定免疫表型的肿瘤干细胞。

1. Messner HA, McCulloch EA.Interacting cell populations affecting granulopoietic colony formation by normal and leukemic human marrow cells [J].Blood. 1973, 42(5):701-10.
2. Hamburger AW, Salmon SE. Primary bioassay of human tumor stem cells [J].Science. 1977, 197(4302):461-3.
3. Potter VR.Phenotypic diversity in experimental hepatomas: the concept of partially blocked ontogeny. The 10th Walter Hubert Lecture [J].Br J Cancer. 1978, 38(1):1-23.
4. Pierce GB.Relationship between differentiation and carcinogenesis [J]. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1977, 2:1335-42.
5. Bonnet D, Dick JE.Human acute myeloid leukemia is organized as a hierarchy that originates from a primitive hematopoietic cell [J].Nat Med. 1997, 3(7):730-7.


1. Reya T, Morrison SJ, Clarke MF, et.al. Stem cells, cancer, and cancer stem cells [J]. Nature. 2001, 414(6859):105-11.

2. Dalerba P, Cho RW, Clarke MF. Cancer Stem Cells: Models and Concepts.
Annu Rev Med. 2006 Sep 26;

3.Clarke MF, Dick JE, Dirks PB, Eaves CJ, Jamieson CH, Jones DL, Visvader J, Weissman IL, Wahl GM. Cancer Stem Cells--Perspectives on Current Status and Future Directions: AACR Workshop on Cancer Stem Cells. Cancer Res. 2006 Oct 1;66(19):9339-44. Epub 2006 Sep 21.

早期研究人员发现化学诱癌实验产生的肿瘤,如果停止使用致癌剂和/或促癌剂,相当一部分肿瘤会通过重新分化而自发消失。上世纪40年代年Furth发现卵巢细胞移植到脾脏可以自发癌变。60年代King和McKinnell等将青蛙的肾癌细胞核转移到正常卵细胞中,发现这种卵细胞依然可以发育成正常的蝌蚪。 70年代,Mintz和Illmensee等发现将畸胎瘤细胞移植至正常同系动物的胚泡内,结果产生不长肿瘤的嵌合型小鼠。Howell等发现肿瘤细胞和正常细胞的融合产生的细胞失去恶性表型。基于上述发现,1979年Holliday首先提出表型遗传修饰改变假说。80年代Sachs等将白血病细胞向同系动物的早期胚胎移植,发现白血病细胞可参与正常动物血液系统的发育,动物发育成熟后各系血液细胞均可发现白血病细胞的基因标记。90年代 McCullough等将肝癌细胞向同系成年动物肝组织移植,发现癌细胞可参与正常肝脏细胞的更新;最近研究发现致癌剂作用于间质细胞却可以产生实质细胞肿瘤。

1. King TJ, DiBerardino MA.Transplantation of nuclei from the frog renal adenocarcinoma. I. Development of tumor nuclear-transplant embryos [J]. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1965, 126(1):115-26.
2. McKinnell RG, Deggins BA, Labat DD.Transplantation of pluripotential nuclei from triploid frog tumors [J].Science. 1969, 165(891):394-6.
3. Mintz B, Illmensee K.Normal genetically mosaic mice produced from malignant teratocarcinoma cells [J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1975, 72(9):3585-9.
4. Illmensee K, Mintz B.Totipotency and normal differentiation of single teratocarcinoma cells cloned by injection into blastocysts [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1976, 73(2):549-53.
5. Howell AN, Sager R.Tumorigenicity and its suppression in cybrids of mouse and Chinese hamster cell lines [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1978, 75(5):2358-62.
6. Holliday R.A new theory of carcinogenesis. Br J Cancer. 1979, 40(4):513-22.
7. Gootwine E, Webb CG, Sachs L.Participation of myeloid leukaemic cells injected into embryos in haematopoietic differentiation in adult mice [J]. Nature. 1982, 299(5878):63-5.
8. McCullough KD, Coleman WB, Ricketts SL, et.al. Plasticity of the neoplastic phenotype in vivo is regulated by epigenetic factors [J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998, 95(26):15333-8.
9. Maffini MV, Soto AM, Calabro JM, et.al. The stroma as a crucial target in rat mammary gland carcinogenesis [J].J Cell Sci. 2004, 117(Pt 8):1495-502.


1 Trosko JE. 'A failed paradigm: carcinogenesis is more than mutagenesis'.
Mutagenesis. 1988 Jul;3(4):363-6.

2 Capp JP. Elements for an integrated approach to carcinogenesis.
Bioessays. 2006 Feb;28(2):228.

3 Fahmy OG, Fahmy MJ. Gene elimination in carcinogenesis: reinterpretation of the somatic mutation theory. Cancer Res. 1970 Jan;30(1):195-205.

4) Cuthill S. Cellular epigenetics and the origin of cancer.
Bioessays. 1994 Jun;16Devil:393-4. Review.


1) Lin H, Yamada Y, Nguyen S, Linhart H, Jackson-Grusby L, Meissner A, Meletis K, Lo G, Jaenisch R. Suppression of intestinal neoplasia by deletion of Dnmt3b.
Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Apr;26Musical Note:2976-83.

2: Holm TM, Jackson-Grusby L, Brambrink T, Yamada Y, Rideout WM 3rd, Jaenisch R.
Global loss of imprinting leads to widespread tumorigenesis in adult mice.
Cancer Cell. 2005 Oct;8(4):275-85. Erratum in: Cancer Cell. 2005 Nov;8(5):433. Cancer Cell. 2006 Jan;9(1):69.

1) Kirkwood TB, Holliday R. Commitment to senescence: a model for the finite and infinite growth of diploid and transformed human fibroblasts in culture.J Theor Biol. 1975 Sep;53(2):481-96.

2) Holliday R. Growth and death of diploid and transformed human fibroblasts.
Fed Proc. 1975 Jan;34(1):51-5. Review.

3)Holliday R, Huschtscha LI, Tarrant GM, Kirkwood TB. Testing the commitment theory of cellular aging. Science. 1977 Oct 28;198(4315):366-72.

4) Harley CB, Goldstein S. Retesting the commitment theory of cellular aging.
Science. 1980 Jan 11;207(4427):191-3.

5). Hayflick L.The illusion of cell immortality [J]. Br J Cancer. 2000, 83(7):841-6.

6). Merok JR, Sherley JL.Breaching the Kinetic Barrier to In Vitro Somatic Stem Cell Propagation [J].J Biomed Biotechnol. 2001;1(1):25-27.

7). Martin GM, Sprague CA, Norwood TH, et.al.Clonal selection, attenuation and differentiation in an in vitro model of hyperplasia [J]. Am J Pathol. 1974, 74(1):137-54.
8). Bell E, Marek LF, Levinstone DS, et.al.Loss of division potential in vitro: aging or differentiation [J]? Science. 1978, 202(4373):1158-63.

10). Wright WE, Shay JW. Historical claims and current interpretations of replicative aging [J]. Nat Biotechnol. 2002, 20(7):682-8.
11). Shay JW, Wright WE. Hayflick, his limit, and cellular ageing [J]. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2000, 1(1):72-6.

21 世纪来了,肿瘤干细胞因为干细胞研究的进展而获得了最佳契机,而且研究人员似乎都认识到肿瘤干细胞才是癌症的根源。于是,肿瘤干细胞开始进入疯狂时代。肿瘤干细胞的根本问题是自我更新控制问题,也就是生命本质问题,在分子生物学方面,干细胞不对称分裂方面,染色体非随机分配方面的进展将会为肿瘤干细胞的研究注入生命力。


1)Prehn RT. Many growth factors may not be growth factors.Cancer Res. 1992 Feb 1;52(3):501-7. Review.

2) Morrison SJ, Kimble J. Asymmetric and symmetric stem-cell divisions in development and cancer.Nature. 2006 Jun 29;441(7097):1068-74.

3)Wodarz A, Gonzalez C. Connecting cancer to the asymmetric division of stem cells. Cell. 2006 Mar 24;124Devil:1121-3.

4)Radtke F, Clevers H. Self-renewal and cancer of the gut: two sides of a coin.
Science. 2005 Mar 25;307(5717):1904-9.

5)Beachy PA, Karhadkar SS, Berman DM. Tissue repair and stem cell renewal in carcinogenesis.Nature. 2004 Nov 18;432(7015):324-31.

1. Cairns J.Somatic stem cells and the kinetics of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis [J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002, 99(16):10567-70.
2. Cohen SM, Ellwein LB. Genetic errors, cell proliferation, and carcinogenesis [J]. Cancer Res. 1991, 51(24): 6493-505.
3. Preston-Martin S, Pike MC, Ross RK, et.al.Increased cell division as a cause of human cancer [J]. Cancer Res. 1990, 50(23):7415-21.
4. Cohen SM, Ellwein LB. Cell proliferation in carcinogenesis [J].Science. 1990, 249(4972):1007-11.
5. Cohen SM.Role of cell proliferation in regenerative and neoplastic disease [J]. Toxicol Lett. 1995, 82-83:15-21.
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1. Cairns J. Mutation selection and the natural history of cancer [J]. Nature.1975,255(5505): 197-200.
2. Potten CS, Owen G, Booth D. Intestinal stem cells protect their genome by selective segregation of template DNA strands [J]. J Cell Sci. 2002,115(Pt 11):2381-2388.
3. Merok JR, Lansita JA, Tunstead JR, et.al.Cosegregation of chromosomes containing immortal DNA strands in cells that cycle with asymmetric stem cell kinetics [J]. Cancer Res. 2002,62(23):6791-6795
4. Smith GH Label-retaining epithelial cells in mouse mammary gland divide asymmetrically and retain their template DNA strands [J]. Development. 2005, 132(4):681-7.
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6) John Cairns .Cancer and the Immortal Strand Hypothesis.Genetics 2006 174: 1069-1072. doi:10.1534/genetics.104.66886

7)Bell CD. Is mitotic chromatid segregation random? Histol Histopathol. 2005 Oct;20(4):1313-20. Review.

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9)Patkin EL. Epigenetic mechanisms for primary differentiation in mammalian embryos. Int Rev Cytol. 2002;216:81-129. Review.

1. Mintz B, Illmensee K.Normal genetically mosaic mice produced from malignant teratocarcinoma cells [J].Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1975, 72(9):3585-9.
2. Illmensee K, Mintz B.Totipotency and normal differentiation of single teratocarcinoma cells cloned by injection into blastocysts [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1976, 73(2):549-53.
3 Rosen P. On the reversibility of tumor cells.Med Hypotheses. 1981 May;7(5):615-20.
4) Kaiser HE. Biological viewpoints of neoplastic regression.In Vivo. 1994 Jan-Feb;8(1):155-65. Review.

5) Blelloch RH, Hochedlinger K, Yamada Y, Brennan C, Kim M, Mintz B, Chin L, Jaenisch R. Nuclear cloning of embryonal carcinoma cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Sep 28;101(39):13985-90. Epub 2004 Aug 11. Erratum in: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Sep 28;101(39):14305.

6) Pierce GB, Arechaga J, Wells RS. Embryonic control of cancer.
Prog Clin Biol Res. 1986;226:67-77. Review.

7) Barrett JC. A National Institutes of Health Workshop Report. Cellular and molecular mechanisms for suppression and reversion of tumorigenicity. A Chemical Pathology Study Section workshop.Cancer Res. 1987 May 1;47(9):2514-20.

8): Nature. 1984 Jun 7-13;309(5968):552-6.

Inability of Rous sarcoma virus to cause sarcomas in the avian embryo.

Dolberg DS, Bissell MJ.

The injection of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) into the wing web of newly hatched chicks causes a rapidly growing sarcomatous tumour which is palpable within 1 week of inoculation; and cultures of fibroblasts derived from chick embryos (CEF) and infected with RSV become rapidly transformed. Genetic studies have determined that expression of a single viral gene, designated v-src, is necessary for neoplastic transformation. This gene codes for a 60,000-molecular weight phosphoprotein termed pp60SPC , which possesses a protein kinase activity that phosphorylates polypeptides on tyrosine residues and is constitutively expressed in infected CEF cells. It has been suggested that transformation, and possibly tumorigenesis, may result solely from the consequences of this increase in tyrosine phosphorylations. The pathogenicity of RSV in chick embryos in ovo is less clear. Murphy and Rous suggested that RSV may have caused tumours in "various tissues" of "some embryos", but the subsequent studies of Milford and Duran - Reynals , as well as several other laboratories, failed to find any evidence of intraembryonic tumours in RSV-infected early embryos. The findings of Duran - Reynals , if correct, cannot be explained easily in view of our present understanding of RSV tumorigenicity. Thus, we have re-examined the interaction of RSV with the avian embryo and confirm here that RSV is nontumorigenic and non-teratogenic when microinjected into day 4 chicken embryos. In addition, we found that (1) the virus not only replicates in the embryo, but it also expresses an active src-specific protein kinase and (2) once the cells from the infected limbs are disrupted and placed in culture, they are capable of expressing the transformed phenotype after a 24-h delay.


1) Arvanitis C, Felsher DW. Conditional transgenic models define how MYC initiates and maintains tumorigenesis. Semin Cancer Biol. 2006 Aug;16(4):313-7. Epub 2006 Jul 21. Review.

2)Shachaf CM, Felsher DW. Rehabilitation of cancer through oncogene inactivation.
Trends Mol Med. 2005 Jul;11(7):316-21. Review.

3)Felsher DW. Reversibility of oncogene-induced cancer.
Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2004 Feb;14(1):37-42.


1)Harris H. The analysis of malignancy by cell fusion: the position in 1988.
Cancer Res. 1988 Jun 15;48(12):3302-6.

2)Handmaker SD. Hybridization of eukaryotic cells.
Annu Rev Microbiol. 1973;27:189-204. Review.


1) Prehn RT. Regeneration versus neoplastic growth. Carcinogenesis. 1997 Aug;18Musical Note:1439-44.

2)Prehn RT. Immunosurveillance, regeneration and oncogenesis.Prog Exp Tumor Res. 1971;14:1-24. Review.
2007-2-10 6:52:19

多细胞生物一个特点是含有来自父本和母本的各一半的基因组,这两种不同来源的遗传信息除了DNA序列有一些差异外,它们的表遗传也很不一样,虽然精子进入卵细胞之后去甲基化等表遗传改变,之后又重新甲基化等表遗传改变,但是该过程与卵细胞的表遗传改变很不一样,这种表遗传的差别是体细胞克隆难以解决的问题,也是动物克隆成功率很低的一个重要原因。The conflict theory of genomic imprinting理论用来解释该现象,现在Stewart CL实验研究表明父本和母本的遗传信息在癌变过程中确实起不同的作用,该实验间接支持The conflict theory of genomic imprinting,最近去年获得美国科学院院士称号的 Jaenisch R发表文章:广泛的基因印记丢失可导致小鼠发生多种肿瘤,该实验与下面该实验似乎相通。

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Nov 11;100(23):13344-9. Epub 2003 Oct 27.

Paternal and maternal genomes confer opposite effects on proliferation, cell-cycle length, senescence, and tumor formation.

Hernandez L, Kozlov S, Piras G, Stewart CL.

Cancer and Developmental Biology Laboratory, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD 21702, USA.

Loss of imprinting is the silencing of active imprinted genes or the activation of silent imprinted genes, and it is one of the most common epigenetic changes associated with the development of a wide variety of tumors. Here, we have analyzed the effects that global imprinted gene expression has on cell proliferation and transformation. Primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), whose entire genome is either exclusively paternal (androgenetic) or maternal (parthenogenetic), exhibit dramatically contrasting patterns of growth. In comparison with biparental MEFs, andro-genetic proliferation is characterized by a shorter cell cycle, increased saturation density, spontaneous transformation, and formation of tumors at low passage number. Parthenogenetic MEFs reach a lower saturation density, senesce, and die. The maternally expressed imprinted genes p57kip2 and M6P/Igf2r retard proliferation and reduce the long-term growth of MEFs. In contrast, the paternally expressed growth factor Igf2 is essential for the long-term proliferation of all genotypes. Increased Igf2 expression in primary MEFs not only stimulates proliferation, but also results in their rapid conversion to malignancy with tumor formation of short latency. Our results reveal that paternally expressed imprinted genes, in the absence of maternal imprinted genes, predispose fibroblasts to rapid transformation. A potent factor in their transformation is IGF2, which on increased expression results in the rapid conversion of primary cells to malignancy. These results reveal a route by which malignant choriocarcinoma may arise from molar pregnancies. They also suggest that the derivation of stem cells from parthenogenetic embryos, for the purposes of therapeutic cloning, may be ineffective.

Nguyen HG, Ravid K.
Tetraploidy/aneuploidy and stem cells in cancer promotion: The role of chromosome passenger proteins.
J Cell Physiol. 2006 Jul;208(1):12-22. Review.

Figure1. Theories on involvement of aneuploidy in cancer promotion. [Colorfigure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at www.interscience.wiley.com.]

2007-2-10 6:52:57


Bishop JM是1989年因为发现细胞癌基因(原癌基因)而获得诺贝尔奖。先简约看看他的研究历史。或许对某个学生将来进入自己的研究领域有启发意义。

Varmus HE和Bishop JM开始的时候与Vogt PK一起研究肿瘤病毒,那个时候肿瘤病毒学说盛行,美国开始了寻找癌症病毒的计划,因为很多人深信某些病毒可能是癌症的根源。Varmus HE和Bishop JM也不例外。他们研究鸡的肉瘤病毒如何导致肿瘤发生,该实验需要DNA杂交实验,检测逆转录病毒的反转录后DNA插入位点等。见文献:

Varmus HE, Bishop JM, Vogt PK.
Appearance of virus-specific DNA in mammalian cells following transformation by Rous sarcoma virus.
J Mol Biol. 1973 Mar 15;74(4):613-26.

Stehelin D, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Detection of nucleotide sequences associated with transformation by avian sarcoma viruses.
Bibl Haematol. 1975 Oct;(43):539-41.

1976 年值得纪念,因为用没有被鸡肉瘤病毒感染的鸡的组织做对照时,发现本来设计出来用来检测逆转录病毒的反转录后DNA插入情况的,意外发现没有被鸡肉瘤病毒感染的鸡的组织也总是被检测到存在类似鸡肉瘤病毒的反转录后类似的DNA序列,原癌基因被意外发现了,因此,研究不要总是寻找与别人一样,相反,不一样才可能是重要发现。见文献:

Stehelin D, Varmus HE, Bishop JM, Vogt PK.
DNA related to the transforming geneMoon of avian sarcoma viruses is present in normal avian DNA.
Nature. 1976 Mar 11;260(5547):170-3.


Spector DH, Baker B, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Characteristics of cellular RNA related to the transforming gene of avian sarcoma viruses.
Cell. 1978 Feb;13(2):381-6.

Spector DH, Smith K, Padgett T, McCombe P, Roulland-Dussoix D, Moscovici C, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Uninfected avian cells contain RNA related to the transforming gene of avian sarcoma viruses.
Cell. 1978 Feb;13(2):371-9.

随着发现很多动物体内都存在类似鸡肉瘤病毒的DNA序列,而低等生物很少存在,Bishop JM等人提出病毒的转化基因来自正常动物细胞的假说,并给出确凿的证据。见文献:

Spector DH, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Nucleotide sequences related to the transforming gene of avian sarcoma virus are present in DNA of uninfected vertebrates.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1978 Sep;75(9):4102-6.

Bishop JM, Baker B, Fujita D, McCombe P, Sheiness D, Smith K, Spector DH, Stehelin D, Varmus HE.
Genesis of a virus-transforming gene.
Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 1978 May;(48):219-23.


Levinson AD, Oppermann H, Levintow L, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Evidence that the transforming gene of avian sarcoma virus encodes a protein kinase associated with a phosphoprotein.
Cell. 1978 Oct;15(2):561-72.

Oppermann H, Levinson AD, Varmus HE, Levintow L, Bishop JM.
Uninfected vertebrate cells contain a protein that is closely related to the product of the avian sarcoma virus transforming gene (src).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Apr;76(4):1804-8.

Bishop JM.
Enemies within: the genesis of retrovirus oncogenes.
Cell. 1981 Jan;23(1):5-6.


Parker RC, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Cellular homologue (c-src) of the transforming gene of Rous sarcoma virus: isolation, mapping, and transcriptional analysis of c-src and flanking regions.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981 Sep;78(9):5842-6.

Smart JE, Oppermann H, Czernilofsky AP, Purchio AF, Erikson RL, Bishop JM.
Characterization of sites for tyrosine phosphorylation in the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus (pp60v-src) and its normal cellular homologue (pp60c-src).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981 Oct;78(10):6013-7.


Alitalo K, Schwab M, Lin CC, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Homogeneously staining chromosomal regions contain amplified copies of an abundantly expressed cellular oncogene (c-myc) in malignant neuroendocrine cells from a human colon carcinoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1983 Mar;80Devil:1707-11.

Schwab M, Alitalo K, Varmus HE, Bishop JM, George D.
A cellular oncogene (c-Ki-ras) is amplified, overexpressed, and located within karyotypic abnormalities in mouse adrenocortical tumour cells.
Nature. 1983 Jun 9-15;303(5917):497-501.

Bishop JM.
Cancer genes come of age.
Cell. 1983 Apr;32(4):1018-20.

Schwab M, Alitalo K, Klempnauer KH, Varmus HE, Bishop JM, Gilbert F, Brodeur G, Goldstein M, Trent J.
Amplified DNA with limited homology to myc cellular oncogene is shared by human neuroblastoma cell lines and a neuroblastoma tumour.
Nature. 1983 Sep 15-21;305(5931):245-8.

Alitalo K, Winqvist R, Lin CC, de la Chapelle A, Schwab M, Bishop JM.
Aberrant expression of an amplified c-myb oncogene in two cell lines from a colon carcinoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Jul;81(14):4534-8.

Brodeur GM, Seeger RC, Schwab M, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Amplification of N-myc in untreated human neuroblastomas correlates with advanced disease stage.
Science. 1984 Jun 8;224(4653):1121-4.

Schwab M, Ellison J, Busch M, Rosenau W, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Enhanced expression of the human gene N-myc consequent to amplification of DNA may contribute to malignant progression of neuroblastoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Aug;81(15):4940-4.

Schwab M, Ramsay G, Alitalo K, Varmus HE, Bishop JM, Martinsson T, Levan G, Levan A.
Amplification and enhanced expression of the c-myc oncogene in mouse SEWA tumour cells.
Nature. 1985 May 23-29;315(6017):345-7.

Schwab M, Varmus HE, Bishop JM.
Human N-myc gene contributes to neoplastic transformation of mammalian cells in culture.
Nature. 1985 Jul 11-17;316(6024):160-2.

Small MB, Hay N, Schwab M, Bishop JM.
Neoplastic transformation by the human gene N-myc.
Mol Cell Biol. 1987 May;7(5):1638-45.

Liu E, Hjelle B, Morgan R, Hecht F, Bishop JM.
Mutations of the Kirsten-ras proto-oncogene in human preleukaemia.
Nature. 1987 Nov 12-18;330(6144):186-8.


http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entr ... splay&DB=pubmed
肿瘤分子生物学和遗传学权威weinberg ra 的研究历史可能对我们研究癌基因和抑癌基因具有莫大帮助.

上个世纪70年代末,weinberg ra 的研究生涯是从病毒与癌变关系入手的,那时他主要研究逆转录病毒如何转录,翻译,整合入动物细胞,可能那时因为逆转录酶的发现激活了该研究领域,并且这种病毒当时有人认为其整合入动物细胞可以引起基因突变,从而与癌变建立某种联系。文献参见:

Weinberg RA, Warnaar SO, Winocour E. Isolation and characterization of simian virus 40 ribonucleic acid. J Virol. 1972 Aug;10(2):193-201.

Weinberg RA. Nuclear RNA metabolism. Annu Rev Biochem. 1973;42:329-54.

Rothenberg E, Smotkin D, Baltimore D, Weinberg RA. In vitro synthesis of infectious DNA of murine leukaemia virus. Nature. 1977 Sep 8;269(5624):122-6.

Andersson P, Goldfarb MP, Weinberg RA. A defined subgenomic fragment of in vitro synthesized Moloney sarcoma virus DNA can induce cell transformation upon transfection.Cell. 1979 Jan;16(1):63-75.

可能是从病毒转化实验得到启示,癌细胞的表型受少数基因决定,因为病毒基因中具有转化能力的基因只是很小的一个片断, Weinberg RA等大胆推测化学诱导的癌细胞中也可能具有类似的基因片断,因此开始了其癌症研究生涯中具有决定意义的实验,该简单的实验折射出无限的思索和寻踪:
Shih C, Shilo BZ, Goldfarb MP, Dannenberg A, Weinberg RA. Passage of phenotypes of chemically transformed cells via transfection of DNA and chromatin.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Nov;76(11):5714-8.

1981年,Weinberg RA实验室如法炮制,在不同的肿瘤中发现可能存在不同的癌基因,奠定了其至今坚持癌基因学说的实验基础:

Shih C, Padhy LC, Murray M, Weinberg RA. Transforming genes of carcinomas and neuroblastomas introduced into mouse fibroblasts.Nature. 1981 Mar 19;290(5803):261-4.

Shilo BZ, Weinberg RA. Unique transforming gene in carcinogen-transformed mouse cells.Nature. 1981 Feb 12;289(5798):607-9.

1982 年,他的实验室分离出那个癌基因,奇迹是竟然这个基因序列类似肉瘤病毒的癌基因RAS的序列,一个巧合,30000多个基因,为什么偏偏是这个基因巧合?随后发现这个细胞癌基因与原癌基因差别只是一个氨基酸序列,于是提出癌基因激活的一种方式:点突变,这样突变与癌变的关系似乎建立了起来。

Parada LF, Tabin CJ, Shih C, Weinberg RA. Human EJ bladder carcinoma oncogene is homologue of Harvey sarcoma virus ras gene. Nature. 1982 Jun 10;297(5866):474-8.

Shih C, Weinberg RA. Isolation of a transforming sequence from a human bladder carcinoma cell line.Cell. 1982 May;29(1):161-9.

Tabin CJ, Bradley SM, Bargmann CI, Weinberg RA, Papageorge AG, Scolnick EM, Dhar R, Lowy DR, Chang EH. Mechanism of activation of a human oncogene.Nature. 1982 Nov 11;300(5888):143-9.


Land H, Parada LF, Weinberg RA. Tumorigenic conversion of primary embryo fibroblasts requires at least two cooperating oncogenes.Nature. 1983 Aug 18-24;304(5927):596-602.

Land H, Parada LF, Weinberg RA. Cellular oncogenes and multistep carcinogenesis.
Science. 1983 Nov 18;222(4625):771-8.

Parada LF, Land H, Weinberg RA, Wolf D, Rotter V. Cooperation between gene encoding p53 tumour antigen and ras in cellular transformation.
Nature. 1984 Dec 13-19;312(5995):649-51.


Bernstein SC, Weinberg RA. Expression of the metastatic phenotype in cells transfected with human metastatic tumor DNA.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1985 Mar;82Devil:1726-30. Erratum in: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1988 Aug;85(15):5581.


Drebin JA, Link VC, Stern DF, Weinberg RA, Greene MI. Down-modulation of an oncogene protein product and reversion of the transformed phenotype by monoclonal antibodies.Cell. 1985 Jul;41(3):697-706.

Chipperfield RG, Jones SS, Lo KM, Weinberg RA.
Activation of Ha-ras p21 by substitution, deletion, and insertion mutations.
Mol Cell Biol. 1985 Aug;5Musical Note:1809-13.

在理论方面,Weinberg RA.按照癌基因之间的协同关系,对癌基因进行了分类:
Weinberg RA. The action of oncogenes in the cytoplasm and nucleus.
Science. 1985 Nov 15;230(4727):770-6.

McCoy MS, Weinberg RA. A human Ki-ras oncogene encodes two transforming p21 proteins.Mol Cell Biol. 1986 Apr;6(4):1326-8.

Stern DF, Roberts AB, Roche NS, Sporn MB, Weinberg RA. Differential responsiveness of myc- and ras-transfected cells to growth factors: selective stimulation of myc-transfected cells by epidermal growth factor.Mol Cell Biol. 1986 Mar;6(3):870-7.

Bargmann CI, Hung MC, Weinberg RA. The neu oncogene encodes an epidermal growth factor receptor-related protein.Nature. 1986 Jan 16-22;319(6050):226-30.

Land H, Chen AC, Morgenstern JP, Parada LF, Weinberg RA. Behavior of myc and ras oncogenes in transformation of rat embryo fibroblasts.
Mol Cell Biol. 1986 Jun;6Devil:1917-25.

Friend SH, Bernards R, Rogelj S, Weinberg RA, Rapaport JM, Albert DM, Dryja TP. A human DNA segment with properties of the gene that predisposes to retinoblastoma and osteosarcoma.
Nature. 1986 Oct 16-22;323(6089):643-6.

Weinberg RA. Oncogenes, antioncogenes, and the molecular bases of multistep carcinogenesis.
Cancer Res. 1989 Jul 15;49(14):3713-21.

1989年之后,直到1999年,10年之间Weinberg RA一直致力于癌基因相互作用的基因,癌基因的激活方式,癌基因发生的频率,癌基因与抑癌基因的关系,抑癌基因的作用方式,抑癌基因发生的频率,与癌症的相关性,这些基因如何导致癌症等等,

Hahn WC, Counter CM, Lundberg AS, Beijersbergen RL, Brooks MW, Weinberg RA. Creation of human tumour cells with defined genetic elements.
Nature. 1999 Jul 29;400(6743):464-8.

Elenbaas B, Spirio L, Koerner F, Fleming MD, Zimonjic DB, Donaher JL, Popescu NC, Hahn WC, Weinberg RA. Human breast cancer cells generated by oncogenic transformation of primary mammary epithelial cells.
Genes Dev. 2001 Jan 1;15(1):50-65.

Zimonjic D, Brooks MW, Popescu N, Weinberg RA, Hahn WC.
Derivation of human tumor cells in vitro without widespread genomic instability.
Cancer Res. 2001 Dec 15;61(24):8838-44.

Hahn WC, Weinberg RA.
Rules for making human tumor cells.
N Engl J Med. 2002 Nov 14;347(20):1593-603. Review. No abstract available. Erratum in: N Engl J Med. 2003 Feb 13;348(7):674.

Rangarajan A, Hong SJ, Gifford A, Weinberg RA.
Species- and cell type-specific requirements for cellular transformation.
Cancer Cell. 2004 Aug;6(2):171-83.

现在,Weinberg RA的研究方向似乎向肿瘤转移的分子生物学方向进步,不知道癌基因学说在他的努力下还有什么激动人心的事情发生,目前似乎已经达到顶峰,然而,Weinberg RA的思想顶峰过早预测可能会失败。
Peter Duesberg是癌症研究领域的一个特殊人物,原因在于其独特的思维方式。这位具有传奇色彩的教授,有很多头衔,科普宣传他是当代的唐吉科德,而科学界有人认为他是癌症研究领域的哥白尼,不管怎样,只有真的了解他的研究历史,才可能真的能够理解他。Peter Duesberg最早进入癌症研究领域也是从研究逆转录病毒开始:

Duesberg PH.
Physical properties of Rous Sarcoma Virus RNA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1968 Aug;60(4):1511-8.

Duesberg PH.
On the structure of RNA tumor viruses.
Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1970;51:78-104.

Duesberg PH, Vogt PK.
Differences between the ribonucleic acids of transforming and nontransforming avian tumor viruses.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1970 Dec;67(4):1673-80.

Lai MM, Duesberg PH, Horst J, Vogt PK.
Avian tumor virus RNA: a comparison of three sarcoma viruses and their transformation-defective derivatives by oligonucleotide fingerprinting and DNA-RNA hybridization.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1973 Aug;70Musical Note:2266-70.


Kawai S, Duesberg PH, Hanafusa H.
Transformation-defective mutants of Rous sarcoma virus with src gene deletions of varying length.
J Virol. 1977 Dec;24(3):910-4.

Duesberg PH, Vogt PK.
Avian acute leukemia viruses MC29 and MH2 share specific RNA sequences: evidence for a second class of transforming genes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Apr;76(4):1633-7

Bister K, Duesberg PH.
Structure and specific sequences of avian erythroblastosis virus RNA: evidence for multiple classes of transforming genes among avian tumor viruses.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1979 Oct;76(10):5023-7.

Duesberg PH.
Transforming genes of retroviruses.
Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1980;44 Pt 1,:13-29. Review.

由于在病毒癌基因方面的权威性,通过多重分析比较病毒癌基因和细胞原癌基因之间的结构、功能、产物等等之后,Duesberg PH在1983年开始质疑细胞癌基因的存在,也开始了他反癌基因潮流研究的开始:
Duesberg PH.
Retroviral transforming genes in normal cells?
Nature. 1983 Jul 21-27;304(5923):219-26. Review.

Science. 1985 May 10;228(4700):669-77. Links
Activated proto-onc genes: sufficient or necessary for cancer?Duesberg PH.
Proto-onc genes are normal cellular genes that are related to the transforming (onc) genes of retroviruses. Because of this relationship these genes are now widely believed to be potential cancer genes. In some tumors, proto-onc genes are mutated or expressed more than in normal cells. Under these conditions, proto-onc genes are hypothesized to be active cancer genes in one of two possible ways: The one gene-one cancer hypothesis suggests that one activated proto-onc gene is sufficient to cause cancer. The multigene-one cancer hypothesis suggests that an activated proto-onc gene is a necessary but not a sufficient cause of cancer. However, mutated or transcriptionally activated proto-onc genes are not consistently associated with the tumors in which they are occasionally found and do not transform primary cells. Further, no set of an activated proto-onc gene and a complementary cancer gene with transforming function has yet been isolated from a tumor. Thus, there is still no proof that activated proto-onc genes are sufficient or even necessary to cause cancer.

Duesberg PH.
Cancer genes: rare recombinants instead of activated oncogenes (a review).
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1987 Apr;84Musical Note:2117-24.

The 20 known transforming (onc) genes of retroviruses are defined by sequences that are transduced from cellular genes termed protooncogenes or cellular oncogenes. Based on these sequences, viral onc genes have been postulated to be transduced cellular cancer genes, and proto-onc genes have been postulated to be latent cancer genes that can be activated from within the cell to cause virus-negative tumors. The hypothesis is popular because it promises direct access to cellular cancer genes. However, the existence of latent cancer genes presents a paradox, since such genes are clearly undesirable. The hypothesis predicts that viral onc genes and proto-onc genes are isogenic; that expression of proto-onc genes induces tumors; that activated proto-onc genes transform diploid cells upon transfection, like viral onc genes; and that diploid tumors exist. As yet, none of these predictions is confirmed. Instead: Structural comparisons between viral onc genes, essential retroviral genes, and proto-onc genes show that all viral onc genes are indeed new genes, rather than transduced cellular cancer genes. They are recombinants put together from truncated viral and truncated proto-onc genes. Proto-onc genes are frequently expressed in normal cells. To date, not one activated proto-onc gene has been isolated that transforms diploid cells. Above all, no diploid tumors with activated proto-onc genes have been found. Moreover, the probability of spontaneous transformation in vivo is at least 10(9) times lower than predicted from the mechanisms thought to activate proto-onc genes. Therefore, the hypothesis that proto-onc genes are latent cellular oncogenes appears to be an overinterpretation of sequence homology to structural and functional homology with viral onc genes. Here it is proposed that only rare truncations and illegitimate recombinations that alter the germ-line configuration of cellular genes generate viral and possibly cellular cancer genes. The clonal chromosome abnormalities that are consistently found in tumor cells are microscopic evidence for rearrangements that may generate cancer genes. The clonality indicates that the tumors are initiated with, and possibly by, these abnormalities, as predicted by Boveri in 1914.


Duesberg P.
HIV is not the cause of AIDS.
Science. 1988 Jul 29;241(4865):514, 517.

Duesberg PH.
Human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: correlation but not causation.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Feb;86(3):755-64. Review.

Duesberg P.
Duesberg's PNAS paper.
Science. 1989 Mar 3;243(4895):1125.

Duesberg P.
Defective viruses and AIDS.
Nature. 1989 Aug 17;340(6234):515.

Duesberg PH.
"The Duesberg phenomenon": Duesberg and other voices.
Science. 1995 Jan 20;267(5196):313-4;

Wu Y, Zhou H, Duesberg P.
Unmutated proto-src coding region is tumorigenic if expressed from the promoter of Rous sarcoma virus: implications for the gene-mutation hypothesis of cancer.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1992 Jul 15;89(14):6393-7.

Duesberg PH.
Oncogenes and cancer.
Science. 1995 Mar 10;267(5203):1407-8.

Hua VY, Wang WK, Duesberg PH.
Dominant transformation by mutated human ras genes in vitro requires more than 100 times higher expression than is observed in cancers.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Sep 2;94(18):9614-9.

Li R, Yerganian G, Duesberg P, Kraemer A, Willer A, Rausch C, Hehlmann R.
Aneuploidy correlated 100% with chemical transformation of Chinese hamster cells.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Dec 23;94(26):14506-11.


Li R, Sonik A, Stindl R, Rasnick D, Duesberg P.
Aneuploidy vs. gene mutation hypothesis of cancer: recent study claims mutation but is found to support aneuploidy.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Mar 28;97(7):3236-41.


Duesberg P, Rasnick D.
Aneuploidy, the somatic mutation that makes cancer a species of its own.
Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. 2000 Oct;47(2):81-107. Review.

Duesberg P, Li R.
Multistep carcinogenesis: a chain reaction of aneuploidizations.
Cell Cycle. 2003 May-Jun;2(3):202-10. Review.

Duesberg P, Li R, Fabarius A, Hehlmann R.
Aneuploidy and cancer: from correlation to causation.
Contrib Microbiol. 2006;13:16-44. Review.























确立因果关系需要明确几种关系,这种关系称为Koch’s规则,当初Robert Koch (1843-1910)用这样的逻辑来推测微生物与疾病的关系,拓展开来也似乎可以用于其他因果关系的识别。有4个原则:1)微生物必须存在于所有的患者体内,2)这种微生物必须能够从患者体内分离(并体外培养),3)分离的微生物必须能够在适当动物体内引起该疾病,4)从实验引起患病的动物体内能够分离到该微生物。


2007-2-10 6:54:22

在癌基因研究方面,Cooper GM做了很多贡献,方法与Weinberg RA的方法类似,提取肿瘤细胞的DNA,转移到相对正常的NIH-3T3细胞中,看看是否有刺激细胞生长的基因。

Nature. 1980 Apr 3;284(5755):418-21.
Transforming activity of DNA of chemically transformed and normal cells.

Cooper GM, Okenquist S, Silverman L.

DNA fragments of chemically transformed and normal avian and murine cells induce transformation of NIH 3T3 mouse cells with low efficiencies. High molecular weight DNAs of cells transformed by DNA fragments induce transformation with high efficiencies in secondary transfection assays. It thus seems that endogenous transforming genes of uninfected cells can be activated and efficiently transmitted by transfection. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that normal cells contain genes that are capable of inducing transformation if expressed at abnormal levels.
Nature. 1980 Oct 16;287(5783):656-9.
Transforming genes of neoplasms induced by avian lymphoid leukosis viruses.

Cooper GM, Neiman PE.

Oncogenic avian retroviruses can be classified into three groups: sarcoma viruses, acute leukaemia viruses and lymphoid leukosis viruses (LLVs). Sarcoma and acute leukaemia viruses transform fibroblasts and/or haematopoietic cells in culture and induce tumours with short latent periods in infected birds. In contrast, LLVs do not transform cells in vitro and require long latent periods before formation of neoplasms in vivo. The most frequent neoplasm induced by LLVs is malignant lymphoma of the bursa of Fabricius, but LLVs also induce other neoplasms, including sarcomas, nephroblastomas and erythroblastosis. The genomes of both sarcoma and acute leukaemai viruses contain specific genes responsible for viral oncogenicity, whereas the genome of LLVs apparently includes only genes required for virus replication. The genetic basis for the low oncogenic potential of LLVs is therefore obscure. The present experiments indicate that LLV-induced tumours contain transforming genes that can be detected by transfection of NH 3T3 mouse cells. These transforming genes are not linked to LLV DNA sequences, suggesting that oncogenesis by LLVs may result from indirect activation of cellular transforming genes.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981 Feb;78(2):1181-4.
Transforming activity of human tumor DNAs.

Krontiris TG, Cooper GM.
High molecular weight DNAs of 26 human tumors and tumor cell lines were assayed for the presence of transmissible activated transforming genes by transfection of NIH 3T3 mouse cells. DNAs of two bladder carcinoma cell lines induced transformation with high efficiencies (approximately 0.2 transformant per microgram of DNA), whereas DNAs of the other tumors studied lacked detectable transforming activity. These findings suggest that dominant mutations or gene rearrangements can result in the activation of cellular transforming genes in some human tumors.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981 Aug;78Musical Note:5185-9.
Activation of related transforming genes in mouse and human mammary carcinomas.

Lane MA, Sainten A, Cooper GM.

High molecular weight DNAs of five tumors induced by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV), two mouse mammary tumors induced by a chemical carcinogen, and one human mammary tumor cell line (MCF-7) were assayed for the presence of transmissible activated transforming genes by transfection of NIH 3T3 mouse cells. DNAs of all five MMTV-induced tumors, one chemical carcinogen-induced tumor, and the human tumor cell line induced transformation with high efficiencies (approximately 0.2 transformant per micrograms of DNA). NIH cells transformed by DNAs of MMTV-induced tumors did not contain exogenous MMTV DNA sequences, indicating that MMTV-induced mammary carcinomas contained activated cellular transforming genes that were not linked to viral DNA. The transforming activities of DNAs of all five MMTV-induced tumors, the chemical carcinogen-induced mouse tumor, and the human tumor cell line were inactivated by digestion with the restriction endonucleases Pvu II and Sac I, but not by BamHI, EcoRI, HindIII, Kpn I, or Xho I. These results indicate that the same or closely related transforming genes were activated in six different mouse mammary carcinomas, induced by either MMTV or a chemical carcinogen, and in a human mammary carcinoma cell line.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1982 May;79(10):3315-9.
Identification of an antigen associated with transforming genes of human and mouse mammary carcinomas.

Becker D, Lane MA, Cooper GM.

Sera from tumor-bearing mice immunoprecipitated a 86,000-dalton glycoprotein from extracts of NIH cells transformed by human mammary carcinoma DNA. This antigen was not immunoprecipitated from extracts of NIH 3T3 cells, spontaneously transformed NIH cells, NIH cells transformed by normal human DNA, NIH cells transformed by human bladder carcinoma DNA, or NIH cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus DNA. In addition, sera from mice bearing tumors induced by NIH cells transformed by either normal human DNA or human bladder carcinoma DNA did not immunoprecipitate this antigen from extracts of NIH cells transformed by human mammary carcinoma DNA. However, this antigen was immunoprecipitated by sera from mice bearing tumors induced by NIH cells transformed by mouse mammary carcinoma DNAs and from mice bearing primary mammary carcinomas. These results indicate that this glycoprotein represents an antigen that is specifically associated with expression of the transmissible transforming genes of human and mouse mammary carcinomas.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1982 Jun;79(11):3637-40.
Transforming genes of human bladder and lung carcinoma cell lines are homologous to the ras genes of Harvey and Kirsten sarcoma viruses.

Der CJ, Krontiris TG, Cooper GM.

Blot hybridization analysis indicated that NIH 3T3 mouse bladder transformed by high molecular weight DNAs of a human bladder and a human lung carcinoma cell line contained new sequences homologous, respectively, to the transforming genes of Harvey (rasH) and Kirsten (rasK) sarcoma viruses. The unique ras sequences were present in multiple independent NIH cell lines transformed in both primary and secondary transfection assays and corresponded to ras sequences normally present in human DNAs. The ras gene product was expressed in NIH cells transformed by bladder carcinoma DNAs and in the human bladder carcinoma cell lines at levels 2- to 4-fold greater than the level observed in nontransformed NIH 3T3 cells. These results indicate that the transforming genes of these human tumor cell lines are the cellular homologs of two retroviral transforming genes.
Science. 1982 Aug 27;217(4562):801-6.
Cellular transforming genes.

Cooper GM.

Cellular genes potentially capable of inducing oncogenic transformation have been identified by homology to the transforming genes of retroviruses and by the biological activity of cellular DNA's in transfection assays. DNA's of various tumors induce transformation with high efficiencies, indicating that oncogenesis can involve dominant genetic alterations resulting in activation of cellular transforming genes. The identification and characterization of cellular transforming genes and their possible involvement in naturally occurring cancers, is discussed.

Cell. 1983 Jan;32(1):201-8.
Altered gene products are associated with activation of cellular rasK genes in human lung and colon carcinomas.

Der CJ, Cooper GM.

Two lung and two colon carcinoma cell lines of human origin, which contained the same activated rasK transforming gene, expressed abnormal species of p21 that were distinct from the p21 proteins expressed in normal human cells and other human carcinomas. The abnormal species of p21 expressed by three of these cell lines were indistinguishable from each other, but differed from the abnormal p21 expressed by one lung carcinoma cell line. NIH cells transformed by DNAs of these carcinomas expressed the same abnormal p21 species, indicating that these abnormal proteins were encoded by the activated rasK genes detected by transfection. These results indicate that transforming activity of rasK genes in human lung and colon carcinoma cell lines is activated by mutations which alter the structure of their gene products, and that activation of rasK genes can result from different molecular alterations in different individual neoplasms.
Nature. 1983 Mar 10;302(5904):114-9.

Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of a transforming gene detected by transfection of chicken B-cell lymphoma DNA.

Goubin G, Goldman DS, Luce J, Neiman PE, Cooper GM.

A transforming gene detected by transfection of chicken B-cell lymphoma DNA has been isolated by molecular cloning. It is homologous to a conserved family of sequences present in normal chicken and human DNAs but is not related to transforming genes of acutely transforming retroviruses. The nucleotide sequence of the cloned transforming gene suggests that it encodes a protein that is partially homologous to the amino terminus of transferrin and related proteins although only about one tenth the size of transferrin.

Nature. 1983 Sep 8-14;305(5930):112-6.
Identification and molecular cloning of the human Blym transforming gene activated in Burkitt's lymphomas.

Diamond A, Cooper GM, Ritz J, Lane MA.

DNAs of six Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines contained an activated transforming gene detected by transfection of NIH 3T3 cells. This gene was cloned from a recombinant library of Burkitt's lymphoma DNA and identified as a human homologue of chicken Blym-1, the transforming gene detected by transfection of chicken B-cell lymphoma DNA.

1: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1984 Apr;81(7):2227-31.
Isolation and characterization of a stage-specific transforming gene, Tlym-I, from T-cell lymphomas.

Lane MA, Sainten A, Doherty KM, Cooper GM.

A cellular transforming gene detected by transfection of mouse T-cell lymphoma DNA has been isolated by molecular cloning. This gene (designated Tlym-I) is homologous to a small conserved family of sequences present in normal mouse and human DNAs but is not related to any of the previously described viral or cellular transforming genes.

Science. 1984 Aug 3;225(4661):516-9.
Nucleotide sequence of a human Blym transforming gene activated in a Burkitt's lymphoma.

Diamond A, Devine JM, Cooper GM.
The nucleotide sequence of a human Blym-1 transforming gene activated in a Burkitt's lymphoma cell line was determined. This sequence predicts a small protein of 58 amino acids that is 33 percent identical to the predicted product of chicken Blym-1, the activated transforming gene of chicken B cell lymphomas. Both the human and chicken Blym-1 genes exhibit significant identity to an amino-terminal region of transferrins.

Cell. 1985 Sep;42(2):581-8.
Activation of a novel human transforming gene, ret, by DNA rearrangement.

Takahashi M, Ritz J, Cooper GM.
A novel transforming gene was detected by transfection of NIH 3T3 cells with human lymphoma DNA. The tumor DNA induced a single focus in primary transfections, whereas DNAs of transformed NIH cells induced transformation with high efficiencies in secondary and tertiary assays. Molecular clones spanning about 37 kb of human sequence were isolated from tertiary transformant DNA. Blot hybridization indicated that the transforming gene consisted of two segments that were unlinked in both normal human and primary lymphoma DNAs. The two segments of human DNA were cotranscribed in transformed NIH cells but not in any human cells examined. The transforming gene thus appeared to be activated by recombination between two unlinked human DNA segments, possibly by cointegration during transfection.

Cell. 1986 Jan 17;44(1):167-76.
Biological and biochemical properties of human rasH genes mutated at codon 61.

Der CJ, Finkel T, Cooper GM.
Using site-directed mutagenesis, we have introduced mutations encoding 17 different amino acids at codon 61 of the human rasH gene. Fifteen of these substitutions increased rasH transforming activity. The remaining two mutants, encoding proline and glutamic acid, displayed transforming activities similar to the normal gene. Overall, these mutants vary over 1000-fold in transforming potency. Increased levels of p21 expression were required for transformation by weakly transforming mutants. The mutant proteins were unaltered in guanine nucleotide binding properties. However, all 17 different mutant proteins displayed equivalently reduced rates of GTP hydrolysis, 8- to 10-fold lower than the normal protein. There was no quantitative correlation between reduction in GTPase activity and transformation, indicating that reduced GTP hydrolysis is not sufficient to activate ras transforming potential.


Science. 1989 Aug 18;245(4919):740-3.
Specific expression of nuclear proto-oncogenes before entry into meiotic prophase of spermatogenesis.

Wolfes H, Kogawa K, Millette CF, Cooper GM.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA.

The expression of proto-oncogenes representative of several functional categories has been investigated during development of mouse male germ cells. The c-raf proto-oncogene and three members of the c-ras gene family were expressed in mitotically active stem cells, throughout the prophase of meiosis and to varying extents in post-meiotic cell types. In contrast, the nuclear proto-oncogenes c-fos, c-jun, and c-myc were specifically expressed at high levels in type B spermatogonia. High levels of c-myc and c-jun RNAs were also detected in spermatocytes early in the prophase of meiosis. The type B spermatogonia represent the last mitotic cell division before entry into meiotic prophase; therefore, these nuclear proto-oncogenes may be involved in altering programs of gene expression at this developmental transition.










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