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--  作者:DOCTOR
--  发布时间:2006-3-28 12:17:21
--  University of California, Davis
University of California, Davis

美國 加州大學戴維斯分校()
美國(四十六):加州大學戴維斯分校(University of California, Davis),簡稱UC D寄托家园\'TXO(o3AP

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加州大學戴維斯分校自1905年創校,以農學起家,屬加州大學系統(University of California System)9個分校區之一,佔地約5,300英畝,是加州大學佔地最廣的校區。b}/q*YW1QZ%|
留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USA        er}m@\'v
戴維斯分校位於加州北部中央谷地的戴維斯市(Davis),是個友善的大學城,生活品質頗具水準。該校目前共有9種專門院校,包括:農業及環境科學學院(College of Agriculture & Environmental)、工程學院(College of Engineering)、科學及文學學院(College of Letters and Science);研究所方面有管理學院(Graduate School of Management)、教育學院(School of Education)、法學院(School of Law)、醫學院(School of Medicine)、獸醫學院(School of Veterinary)、生物科學學院(Biological Science Division)。寄托家园Dhf+?8P*S


,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAP7J8o(q _
戴維斯分校除了曾獲權威的美國新聞與世界報導雜誌(US News & World Report)列名為全美最著名的學府之一,該校也是頗負聲望的美國大學協會(Association of American Universities)認證的全美62所大學之一,因此成為優秀學子的熱門選擇。} pt|8}~-k

戴維斯地處北加州中央谷地的中心地帶,西臨太平洋海岸線,東接高聳壯麗的華達山脈(Sierra Nevada);戴維斯鄰近加州首府沙加緬度(Sacramento)只有15英哩,距離繁榮的舊金山灣區也不遠,然而卻依然保有小鎮的純樸風貌。寄托家园rSz1?6t*|L
bbs.gter.net1d"u&D6F$n!b F
戴維斯的天氣舒適宜人,春秋兩季並不明顯,冬天極少降雪,而夏天總是陽光普照,較乾燥而炎熱,如同一般對陽光加州的印象,但由於海風調節,使得氣候更加溫和而適合居住。{)NcT p!{2@
+P4nH O        X }
:Z?(Z zR\'l
想要從事戶外活動,只要驅車70英哩,就可以抵達休憩的勝地,河川蜿蜒,湖水如境,還可探訪歷史上的古老礦脈;至於有「世界上最美麗的圖畫」之稱的太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)、內華達山脈(Sierra Nevada)及世界知名的產酒地「那帕酒鄉」(Napa Valley)與戴維斯相距約150英哩,都是鄰近地區的休閒勝地。
排名參考如下:寄托家园        Ki
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US News & World Report 2004:全國明星級大學第41名寄托家园Z\'l(W&@:d2I3\\.V

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* 加州大學戴維斯分校線上校園導覽(UC Davis V‧tour):http://vtour.ucdavis.edu/|留学|签证|TOEFL|GRET ch(DuG @
* 太浩湖觀光局(Virtual Lake Tahoe):http://www.virtualtahoe.com/`4Mf*X/I P
* 加州自然資源網(California’s Natural Resources):http://ceres.ca.gov/ceres/calweb/Natural_Resources.html寄托家园&K0w)G j]cG


* 加州大學戴維斯分校台灣同學會(UCD Taiwan Chinese Student Society):http://welcome.to/tcss

--  作者:张医生
--  发布时间:2006-3-31 18:43:42

Theoretical High Energy Physics

UC Davis Institute for High Energy Physics

The faculty and students of the HEP theory group engage in a wide variety of research aimed at understanding the most fundamental building blocks of nature. Our research interests include supersymmetry, supergravity, quantum gravity, general relativity, extra space-time dimensions, particle dark matter, high-energy scattering theory, lattice QCD, and phenomenological implications of string theory. Specific interests of each faculty member can be found in the group members page.

We are currently engaged in a major expansion of the theory effort within the framework of the High Energy Frontier Theory Initiative (HEFTI). Following the recommendations of an external committee composed of Howard Haber, Joe Lykken (Chair) and Pierre Ramond, this expansion focuses on the theory and phenomenology of strings, branes and extra dimensions and includes the hiring of three new faculty members, the first two of which (John Terning and Hsin-Chia Cheng) have already joined our faculty. We are currently recruiting the third member. The hire can be made at any level. Details of the program and the committee\'s recommendations can be found here .

Particle physics and gravity are subjects filled with unanswered questions, making it an interesting and challenging field of research. A good introduction to many of the basic questions that we study is found at The Particle Adventure .

Much of our work involves close collaboration with theorists and experimentalists at leading particle physics institutions throughout the world, including LBL in Berkeley, California, SLAC at Stanford University, CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, and Fermilab near Chicago, Illinois.

--  作者:张医生
--  发布时间:2006-3-31 19:09:36

Faculty Position

High Energy Theoretical Physicist

Department of Physics University of California, Davis

The Department of Physics at the University of California at Davis invites applications for a faculty position in theoretical high energy physics. Appointment at any level is possible depending upon qualifications and experience. The appointment will be directed towards the pursuit of the exciting new ideas and challenges associated with the interface between formal theory and phenomenology. Priority will be given to candidates with recognized leadership in this area and the ability to help implement and lead the High Energy Frontier Theory Initiative (HEFTI). The successful candidate should also have a strong interest in interpreting new phenomena as the relevant experimental data become available from the Tevatron and, especially, the LHC. Interaction and overlap with the particle cosmology group is anticipated. A formal High Energy Frontier Theory Institute is being planned.

The existing high energy group consists of six theoretical and eight experimental faculty. The theorists have a broad spectrum of interests including supercollider physics and phenomenology, supersymmetric modeling and superstring phenomenology, Higgs physics, brane models, lattice QCD, weak-interaction and heavy quark physics, solvable models, and quantum gravity. The experimentalists have major efforts at Fermilab and are active members of the LHC CMS collaboration.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in physics or the equivalent and be expected to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

This position is open until filled; but to assure first round consideration, applications should be received no later than December 5, 2005. The targeted starting date for appointment is July 1, 2006. To initiate the application process, please mail your curriculum vitae, publication list, research statement, and the names (including address, e-mail, fax, and phone number) of three or more references to:

High Energy Theory Search Committee 

Department of Physics

University of California, Davis

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA  95616-8677

Further information about the department may be found on our website at http://www.physics.ucdavis.edu.

The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. The University undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity for minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for special disabled veterans, Vietnam era veterans, and any other veterans who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized.

--  作者:张医生
--  发布时间:2006-3-31 19:10:06

Post-doctoral High Energy Theoretical Physicist

Department of Physics University of California, Davis

The high energy theory group at UC Davis expects to have three post-doctoral openings for Sept. 2006. We are especially interested in candidates who are interested in phenomenology/model building and/or quantum gravity theory and phenomenology. The faculty members of the group currently include Steve Carlip, Hsin-Chia Cheng, Jack Gunion, and John Terning. We expect to hire another faculty member this year. We also have close contact with the UC Davis cosomolgy group which includes Andreas Albrecht and Nemanja Kaloper. Please have three letters of recomendation and your cv sent to:

High Energy Theory Postdoc

c/o Georgie Tolle

Department of Physics

University of California

One Shields Avenue

Davis, CA 95616-8677

Review of applications will begin Dec. 5 2005, but late applications may be considered until the position has been filled. The initial appointment will be for two years, and may be extended to a third, contingent on performance and continued external funding. Further information may be found on our website: http://higgs.ucdavis.edu/gunion/theorygroup.html.

The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. The University undertakes affirmative action to assure equal employment opportunity for minorities and women, for persons with disabilities, and for special disabled veterans, Vietnam era veterans, and any other veterans who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized.